Studies on the enzootic ataxia in lambs in Turkey
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Turkish Atomic Energy Commission, Ankara Nuclear Research and Traning Center
Birçok araştırıcı 1961 den beri Türkiye'de kuzularda seyreden Enzootic ataxia (çarpık) hastalığı üzerinde çeşitli bilimsel çalışmalar yapmışlardır. Bunlar arasında hastalığın makroskopik ve mikroskopik görünüşleri, klinik bulgular, toprak, bitki, plasma karaciğer ve beyinde bakır konsantrasyonlarının tayini ve bakır tuzları vererek hastalığın tedavisi yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmalar hastalığın pirimer ya da sekonder bir bakır yetmezliğinden ileri gelip gelmediğini açıklamaya yetmemektedir. Etyolojik faktörün önemini dikkate alarak Türkiye’de kuzularda Enzootic ataxia üzerinde bazı çalışmaların yapılması gereklidir.
Since 1961 several research workers carried out different types of works on the Enzootic ataxia in lambs in Turkey, such as: investigations of macroscopic and microscopic appearences of the disease,clinical findings, determination of copper concentration in soil, plants, and blood plasma, liver and brain and the possibility of curing the disease by copper compounds. These works couldn’t make whether the etiology of the disease is a primary or secondary copper deficiency. Regarding the importance of the factor (or factors) affecting on the disease more works should be carried on on the Enzootic ataxia in Iambs in Turkey.
Since 1961 several research workers carried out different types of works on the Enzootic ataxia in lambs in Turkey, such as: investigations of macroscopic and microscopic appearences of the disease,clinical findings, determination of copper concentration in soil, plants, and blood plasma, liver and brain and the possibility of curing the disease by copper compounds. These works couldn’t make whether the etiology of the disease is a primary or secondary copper deficiency. Regarding the importance of the factor (or factors) affecting on the disease more works should be carried on on the Enzootic ataxia in Iambs in Turkey.
Enzootic ataxia, Enzootik ataksi, Lambs, Kuzular, Turkey, Türkiye
Göksoy, K. (1977). Studies on the enzootic ataxia in lambs in Turkey. Technical Journal, 4(1), 19-23.