II. Eurasian conference nuclear science and its application : proceedings, 16-19 September, 2002. Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Item A simple approach for pre-loca analysis of MTR type research reactors(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Yılmazer, Ayhan; Yavuz, Hasbi; 169974; G-6010-2013; TAEKIn this study, it is intended to analyze early phases of a protected loss of coolant accident (LOCA) for TR-2 Research Reactor at Istanbul, and to show the applicability of the presented model to the other similar types of research reactors. The transient situation since the time when coolant is beginning to be lost throughout one or more of the main coolant pipes which were supposed to be broken guillotine-like to the time when the core is totally uncovered is investigated. The modeling of the problem was separated into two phases; in the first phase when the water level of the pool is being decreased in a pre-estimated timedependent way calculated by using Modified Bernoulli Equation, the conservation equations are solved by a usual implicit finite difference algorithm. The later phase, when water level reaches to the top level of fuel plates and begins to decrease until the bottom of the core, needs some modifications to the approach used for the first phase. Because, the coolant channels among fuel plates are filled with air when the level goes below, and the fuel plates are being cooled by air above the water level. This complexity is resolved using a moving boundary approach in the numerical solution. A Lagrange type interpolation approximation for the derivatives along with interface conditions in the neighborhood of the airwater interface was imported to the numerical algorithm. The analysis is performed for a nominal channel.Item Determination of the indicator bacteria in the irradiated minced meat(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Halkman, Hilal B. D.; Başbayraktar, Vasfiye; Kozat, Pelin; Yazıcı, Nizamettin; Çetinkaya, Nurcan; Halkman, A.K.; TAEK-ANTHAMTo inhibit Escherichia coli O157:H7 and determine a indicator bacteria for irradiation procedure in minced meat, this study evaluated increased irradiation doses for five strains of each of the following bacteria: 5 strains of E. coli type 1 and 4 strains of E. coli O157:H7. E. coli type 1 mixture was added into the mixed in ratio 1:100000 of E. coli type1 to samples and E. coli O157:H7 mixture was added into the mixed in five different ratios namely 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10000, 1:100000 of E. coli O157:H7 in the minced meat. A range of irradiation doses from 1.0 kGy to 4.0 kGy was investigated for the inhibition of E. coli O157:H7 and the resistance of E. coli type1 to irradiation. After irradiation, E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli type 1 were counted for the irradiated minced meat by using MPN techniques. D10 values of each bacteria were measured as 0.3 kGy and 0.55 kGy for E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli type 1 respectively. This study showed that 1.5 kGy irradiation can inactivate 105 g/O157:H7 serotype and 103 g / E. coli type 1, this inactivation level is adequate for safety consumption of minced meat such as hamburger even at undercooking conditions. Increased irradiation doses were most effective on E. coli O157:H7. The results show that E. coli type 1 is more resistant than E. coli O157:H7 and other natural non-pathogenic cohabitant bacteria and E. coli type 1 is an adequate indicator for the efficiency of irradiation against to O157:H7 serotype in minced meat.Item Deterministic and probabilistic analysis of PWR pressure vessel integrity for different transient conditions(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Özdere Gülol, Oya; Çolak, Üner; TAEK-NGDIn this study, nuclear reactor pressure vessel analysis is performed via deterministic and probabilistic methods for six different transient conditions which may cause pressurized thermal shock. A classical four loop PWR with SA533B type ferritic steel pressure vessel is analyzed. Deterministic analysis is performed for obtaining change in material properties and mechanical state of vessel against temperature and pressure changes. In probabilistic analysis, failure probabilities for vessel beltline region welds are calculated. VISA II computer code is employed for both deterministic and probabilistic analysis.Item Development of a quality system for a contract irradiation facility(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Siyakuş, Galip; TAEK-ANTHAMItem Development of feeding strategy for ruminant livestock by nuclear techniques(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Özcan, Hüseyin; Çetinkaya, Nurcan; TAEK-ANTHAMIn tropical and subtropical areas crop residues and agro-industrial by-products are used for feeding ruminant livestock under limited or zero grazing conditions. In order to increase feedding efficiency and livestock productivity supplementations are essential to meet deficient nutrients for diets. For the assessment of the impact by supplementation or supplements by various nitrogen sources together with salts and minerals upon energy utilisation C-14 labelled acetate was used for tracer to measure outflow rates of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from rumen by Angora goat bucks. The supplemented diets led to increased VFAs outflow rates from rumen. The conclusion was that ruminant diets consisted by crop residues and agroindustrial by-products need supplementations for deficient nutrients to increase efficiency of feed energy utilisation by ruminant livestock. The impact upon VFAs production by supplementation was assessed easily by nuclear technique.Item Development, standardisation and validation of purine excretion technique for measuring microbial protein supply in yerli kara cross breed(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Çetinkaya, Nurcan; Yaman, S.; Özdemir, Hülya; Gücüş, Ali İhsan; Özcan, Hüseyin; Söğüt, Ali; 8298; TAEK-ANTHAMThree experiments were conducted to evaluate of the developed techniques for uric acid, allantoin and creatinine in Yerli Kara cross-breed cattle on farm at different feeding level locally available feed resources and linking the observed information to feed intake and to assess of protein nutrition status of Yerli Kara cross-breed dairy cattle using urinary PD and creatinine excretion. In Experiment I. Response of daily PD excretion to feed intake in Yerli Kara crossbreed on state farm was measured. Animals were fed a mixed diet containing 30% wheat straw and 70% compounded feed. The diet contained 90% DM, its N and OM contents were 124 and 950 g/kg DM, respectively. In Experiment II. Spot urine sampling techniques was applied at state farm. Four Yerli Kara cross-breed bulls live weight with a mean of 211±41.3 kg were used. Experimental design, feeding and diet were the same as in Experiment I. The treatments were allocated according to a 4x4 Latin Square design. In Experiment III. Spot urine sampling techniques was applied at smallholder farms. Compound feed containing 65% barley, 25% bran, 6% sunflower seed meal, 3% marmer dust and 1% mineral and vitamin mixture (120 g/kg DM-Crude Protein and 950 g/kg DM-Organic Matter)- was offered total in between 2 to 3 kg in two parts one in the morning (07:30 h) and one in the afternoon (17:00 h). Compound feed ingredients were similar given to all animals but Groups I, II and III animals were receiving 1 to 2 kg/d of straw (30 g CP/kg DM, 930g OM/kg DM), grass hay (70g CP/kg DM ,915 g OM/kg DM), straw and grass hay respectively. There were significant correlations (R²=0.99) between PD excretion (mmol/d) and DOMI (kg/d) for YK-C cattle. PD exceretion (mmol/d) was plotted against PD: Creatinin W0.75 to obtain slope and use as constant for the estimation of daily PD exceretion from spot sampling from animals held by small holders. The equation could be expressed as: PD (mmol/d)= -2.3+0.953 ([PD]:[C]xW0.75). The constant (C)-the slope as mmol/kg W0.75 was 0.953.The coefficient of variation (CV) for the uric acid, allantion, PD, creatinine, total-N, PD:CxW0.75 (PDC Index) in spot urine samples of four treatments were less than 5%. Developed banding system can be used for YK and YK-C cattle for the spot urine sample measurement.There were not significant difference for each parameter between the spot urine sampling times of Groups I, II and III. The corresponding microbial-N values to PDC Index of groups I. II and III were 15-25 g/d. Experimentaly estimated DOMI was 2.21±0.15 kg/d. By using the equation (DOMI= 344+48.7xPDC Index) estimated DOMI (g/d) of groups I, II, and III were 2.8±0.6, 2.6±0.7 and 2.7±0.7 respectively. CV% of Groups I, II and III were 22, 27 and 26% respectively. In conclusion, the PDC Index in spot urine samples could be used under farm condition as an indicator of microbial protein supply in YK-C cattle, and also DOMI can be estimated from PDC Index in spot urine samples under field conditions.Item Drip irrigation and fertigation of potato under light-textured soils of Cappadocia Region(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Halitligil, Mahmut Basri; Onaran, Hüseyin; Munsuz, Nuri; Kışlal, Hakan; Akın, Ali İbrahim; Ünlenen, Abdullah Levent; Çaycı, Gökhan; Kütük, Cihat; TAEK-ANTHAMIn order to evaluate potato respone to drip irrigation and N fertigation; and also to improve nitrogen and water use efficiencies of potato and eventually to obtain less nitrogen polluted surface and ground water, 10 field experiments were carried out at three different locations in Cappodocia Region of Turkey in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. Nitrogen as ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2So4], was supplied through drip irrigation water (fertigation) at rates of 0, 30, 60, and 90 kg N/da. Also, soil N application treatment equivalent to the fertigation treatment of 60 kg N/da was included. These five treatments were investigated in a completely randomized block design with four replications. Agria potato variety was used in all experiments and potato was planted in mid May and harvested at the end of October. 15N-labelled ammominum sulphate fertilizer were applied in isotope-sub plots within the macroplots for each treatment in order to determine the amount of nitrogen taken up by the plant, nitrogen use efficiency and the distrubution of residual nitrogen at different depths in the soil profile. Each year during the growth period 12 irrigations were done and 50 mm of water was applied at each irrigation. At harvest, plant samples (tuber and leaf+vein) and soil samples were taken and % N, % 15N atom excess (% 15N a.e.) and % Ndff determinations were done. Soil water contents at different soil depths were determined by soil moisture neutron probe at planting and at harvest so that water contents at different soil layers and water use efficiencies were calculated for each treatment. The results obtained showed that 3350 kg/da mean total marketable tuber yield was obtained with application of 600 mm irrigation water. Also, it was found that water did not move below 90 cm of soil layer in drip irrigationfertigation system, which showed clearly that no nitrogen movement occurred beyond 90 cm soil depth. Tuber yields and % Ndff increased when nitrogen is applied with drip irrigation-fertigation system in comparision to the application to the soil and then drip irrigation. At harvest, more nitrogen was accumulated at shallower depths with fertigation treatments.Item Effect of photon interaction depth in the determination of absolute efficiency of HPGe detector for liquid volume souce(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Demirel, Halil; Yücel, Haluk; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Çetiner, B.; Yurtseven, İ.; Demircioğlu, Bengü; Karadeniz,Hande; Özmen, Atilla; TAEK-ANAEMFor practical measuring purposes in high pure Ge detectors, some useful semiempirical approaches are often used to calculate the peak efficiency (absolute efficiency) for any source-to-detector distance (d) if the efficiency has been measured at one known distance (d1). In all approaches considered, normally, one begins an experimental efficiency calibration for single measuring geometry at a distance (d1), and then derives the efficiency for any other arbitrary distance (d), from the relation ∈(d) = Ω (d) ∈(d1) = Ω (d1) where ∈ denotes the detector efficiency for any gamma ray energy and Ω is solid angle that is subtended by detector to the source position. However, this relation is only valid when the distances used in the relation was corrected for the effective photon interaction depth for any gamma-ray energy (Debertin and Helmer, 1988;Yücel et al.1996) since the efficiency ratio, ∈(d)/∈(d1), is not equal to the inverse ratio, d1-2/d-2. In the present work, the photon interaction depths depending upon gamma- ray energies in the range of about 50-2000 keV for point gamma sources (241Am, 137Cs, 60Co, 133Ba and 152Eu) and a liquid volume (cylindrical) source containing 57Co, 88Y, 113Sn, 137Cs, 109Cd, 139Ce and 60Co radionuclides were measured. Then, the calculation of the peak efficiency of a ptype HPGe detector is experimentally tested for both point and the extended (cylindrical) liquid source at various distances from the surface of the end cap of the detector by introduction of the effective photon interaction for any gamma-ray energy.Item Effect of radiation on viability and infectivity of nematodirus sp. eggs(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Çerçi, Harun; Alabay, Metin; Emre, Zişan; Düzgün, Ali; TAEK-ANTHAMItem Environment radioactivity and ongoing surveilance programme in Turkey(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Uslu, İbrahim; 139698; TAEK-RSGDThe ever going releases of radioactive substances to the environment have resulted in a global excess irradiation of all living organisms in the environment due to nuclear accidents, testing of nuclear weapons, discharges from the nuclear industry and the like. Eventually, activities like these increase the background radiation of the environment. National authorities need to decide in which parts of their territory and for which activities and working conditions it would be appropriate for doses from background radiation to be regarded as part of occupational exposure or even public exposure by continuously monitoring the environment.Item Establishment of advanced quality system for nuclear analytical laboratories(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Arıkan, Pervin; Acar, Orhan; Acar, Recep; Ayçık, Gül Asiye; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Demirel, Halil; Efe, Nurettin; Gölge, Tülay; Gürellier, Ruhsar; Kırmaz, Rıdvan; Tülümen, Şenay; Yücel, Haluk; Zararsız, Abdullah; Ağuş, Yusuf; TAEK-ANAEMComprehensive Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) Program is stated on the quality policy, organization, methods and records for nuclear analytical laboratories which are necessary for improvement of productivity, to upgrade the performance, credibility and reputation. The proper and complete identification of quality elements for management and technical requirements are being written in Quality Manual as well as analytical and organizational procedures and working instructions according to ISO 17025 standard. Technical ability of γ , X-ray and α/β laboratories in Center is being checked by participation in proficiency test, critical technical variables, and quality results. Performance of quality system is being controlled by external audit inspection, progress reports and service to clients.Present study is a framework of model project of IAEA, coded RER/2/004, which is resulted self-sustainable accreditation from national body, TURKAK.Item Experimental study of heat transfer in a thin vertical rectangular channel(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Arıkan, H. İbrahim; Baykal, Adnan; Adalıoğlu, Ulvi; Yavuz, Hasbi; TAEK-ÇNAEMFree convection cooling processes are often used in nuclear technology as well as in the vertical channel type structures of some systems, in electronic circuit board cooling and many other fields. TR-2 Reactor at Cekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre (CNRTC) is a pool type research reactor with plate type fuel elements. The narrow vertical cooling channels of this reactor have a width of 2.1 mm. In case of an accident or a loss of cooling event, the heat in these channels are transfered by natural convection. An experimental setup was constructed to simulate the TR-2 cooling channels. Dummy fuel plates were heated by a DC source and temperature measurements were taken by copper-constantan thermocouples situated at different points. Cooling fluid is air. For several different powers and channel gaps the temperatures had been measured. The average Nu and Ra numbers were calculated for the channel and compared with the numerical results.Item HEU-LEU mixed core analysis for TR-2(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Turgut, Mehmet Hulusi; TAEK-ÇNAEMCore conversion calculations have been carried out for different core loadings of the TR-2 reactor in order to find out the optimum design for the radioisotope production. Using HEU and LEU fuel elements in the mixed core also introduced additional peaking problems to be eliminated. Five group structure is used for the burnup dependent cross-section libraries that are generated by EPRICELL code. 2D diffusion-depletion code GEREBUS is used for the reactivity and burnup calculations. New graphite and Be reflectors have been added to the periphery of the core to enhance the reactivity and the discharge burnup levels. Two water boxes have been placed inside the reactor core in order to increase the radioisotope production. The activity levels of the irradiation samples, core excess reactivities, power peaking factors, and the anti-reactivities of the control blades have been calculated for various loadings. After the optimization studies, it is found that these modifications have yielded higher production rates and a uniform distribution in the activity levels of the irradiation samples. One irradiation and two standard LEU fuel elements have already been loaded to the TR-2 core without any operational or safety related problems. The agreement between the calculations and the experiments are quite good for the operated 13 cycles.Item Low level radioactivity measurements of 238U, 232Th, 40K and 134, 137Cs in the environmental and industrial samples by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Yücel, Haluk; Demirel, Halil; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Karadeniz, Hande; Çetiner, B.; Parmaksız, Aydın; Turhan, Şeref; 3905; TAEK-ANAEMIn recent years, low level radioactivity measurements of radionuclides, especially the long-lived radionuclide 137Cs (t1/2=30.1 y) in the environmental samples have an increasing importance due to the global fallout originating from atmospheric contamination caused by nuclear weapon tests and nuclear accidents (after Chernobly accident). In addition, a need has arisen to find and produce materials containing low in radioactive promordial elements thorium, uranium and potassium since these materials, in particular, cement, clays and ash fly from the coal-fired thermic power plants are widely used in several mass-production industrial applications such as for the making concrete, bricks, seramics. In this work, the radioactivity measurements of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K,134,137Cs and other radionuclides in environmental and industrial samples such as soil, coal, ash fly, cement, etc. were measured routinely by using high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry, after a method validation by IAEA proficiency tests within a QA/QC program by IAEA RER/2/004 project, in Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center in Turkey. The gamma-spectrometric method employed is described and the analysis results for various samples are given in this paper.Item Measurement of absolute gamma ray emission probability of 1001 keV from the decay of 234mPa(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Çetiner, B.; Karadeniz, Hande; Yücel, Haluk; Özgür, İ.; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Özmen, Atilla; TAEK-ANAEMIn recent years, the 1001 keV gamma ray emission from 234mPa as an analytical peak is commonly used in the direct gamma ray spectrometric measurements of 238U content. 234mPa is the second daughter of 238U and rapidly reaches secular equilibrium with parent nucleus. This “clean” peak is well resolved by high purity Ge detectors and gives more accurate indication of uranium content without requiring any self attenuation correction. Several experimental results for the absolute emission probability of the 1001 keV gamma ray of 234mPa have resulted in doubts concerning the old recommended value of 0.59±0.01% obtained by following a radiochemical separation method. Therefore, this old value is now obsolete and a newly value of 0.835±0.004% is recommended. In this study the gamma-ray spectrometric measurements for the determination of the absolute emission probability of the 1001 keV gamma ray of 234mPa were carried out using the powdered uranium samples. A new experimental value of 0.861±0.015% for the absolute gamma ray emission probability for the 1001 keV gamma ray of 234mPa has been obtained. The present measured value agrees within 2.5 to 4% with the most recent experimental results appeared in the literature and the newly recommended value of the absolute emission probability for the 1001 keV gamma-ray of 234mPa. However, it is different from the latest experimental value of 0.92±0.02%, obtained by Anilkumar et al. (1999).Item Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and Resonance integral for 139La(n,γ) 140La reaction by activation method using cadmium ratios(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Yücel, Haluk; Karadağ, Mustafa; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Tan, M.; Özmen, Atilla; 3905; TAEK-ANAEMThermal neutron cross section and resonance integral for the 139La(n,γ)140La reaction was measured by the activation method. The experimental samples with and without a cylindrical Cd shield case in 1 mm wall thickness were irradiated in an isotropic neutron field of the 241Am-Be neutron source. The extent of the nonideality of the epithermal neutron spectrum(i.e., α- shaping factor for 1 E1+α epithermal distribution) at the sample irradiation position was experimentally determined by the two-detector(Au and W foils) method, and it was found to be 0.560±0.002. The induced activities in the samples were measured by high resolution γ-ray spectrometry with a calibrated n-type Ge detector. Thermal neutron cross section for 2200 m/s neutrons and resonance integral for the 139La(n,γ)140La reaction has been obtained relative to the reference values, σ0=13.3±0.1 b and I0=14.0±0.3 b for the 55Mn(n,γ)56Mn reaction as a single comparator. The results corrected for gamma attenuation, thermal neutron and resonance neutron self-shielding effects and the effect of α- shaping factor on the resonance integral value of the (n,γ) reactions. For the conversion of the measured infinite dilution resonance integral, I(α) to the I0 for 1/E ideal epithermal neutron spectrum, the concept of effective resonance energy, Er described by De Corte for the Ryves’ method[1] has been used. By defining Cd cut-off energy 0.55 eV, the results obtained were: σ0=9.27 ± 0.37 b and I0=12.16 ± 0.60 b for the 139La(n,γ)140La reaction. These results are discussed and compared with previous measurements and the evaluated data in JEF-2.2, IAEA and JENDL-3.2. Thermal neutron cross section for 139La(n,γ)140La reaction is in good agreement with the recent measurements. There existed the discrepancies between present results and some of old experimental data for thermal cross section and resonance integral for this reaction is within about 6-40%.Item Measurements of ground, first excited-state energy and width of 5He via d-7Li reaction(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Baykal, Adnan; Tarcan, Gökçe; Reyhancan, İskender Atilla; Erduran, M. Nizamettin; TAEK-ÇNAEMThe reaction products from d-7Li were studied using a 150 keV deuteron beam from SAMES J-15 accelerator at Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre (ÇNAEM). The target was obtained by evaporating natural LiF (800μg/cm2) onto Aluminium backing (1500μg/cm2). Two silicon surface barrier detectors (SSB) were chosen in order to detect all the alpha-particles produced in the reaction and they were placed on the opposite side respect to the beam. The alpha-alpha coincidence technique was employed and energy signals from SSB#2 detector placed on 83.50 are gated with 6.7 - 8.2 MeV interval of energy signals from SSB#1 placed on 900 . Coincidence spectra obtained were corrected for the energy loss in the target. The coincidence spectra were then unfolded and alpha lines belonging to the ground and first excited states of 5He were then identified.Item Nitrogen and water regime effects on corn yields determined by N-15 tracer technique(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Halitligil, Mahmut Basri; Akın, Ali İbrahim; TAEK-ANTHAMThis investigation was carried out to determine the relationships between fertilizer nitrogen leaching and N fertilizer application time, method and irrigation rate by using 15N methodology. Therefore, in the field experiments, the effects of three factors namely; a) irrigation rates (optimum 240 mm, high 360 mm), b) N application times (all at planting, 1/2 at planting and 1/2 after planting when plant heights were 50 cm), c) N application methods (sidedress and broadcast) were investigated. The field experiments were conducted using randomized block desing as split-split plot with 4 replications. As the test plant hybrid corn (TUM-82-2) was sowed on a 0.80 m row spacing and 0.25 m seed spacing. Nitrogen was applied 120 kgN/ha to the all treatments as urea fertilizer (46 % N). In addition, to the subplots (which received half of N at planting and the other half when plant heights were 50 cm) 15N labelled urea (2.63 % 15N atom excess as 120 kgN/ha) was applied. After harvesting, total N and 15N analyses were done for different plant parts and soil samples. The results showed us that the seed and total yields were increased with higher (360 mm) irrigation. When N application was sidedressed the availability of N was increased, and also its’ loss by leaching from the active root zone was decreased. In conclusion, it was observed that at high irrigation rate was saved about 84 kgN/ha by sidedressing rather than broadcasting of the applied N fertilizer.Item Practical application of food irradiation in Turkey(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Çetinkaya, Nurcan; İç, Erhan; 8298; TAEK-ANTHAMTurkey is the world’s leading producer and exporter of dried fruits (dried figs, raisins, and dried apricots etc.) and nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts etc.) all of which have to be fumigated by methyl bromide a few times prior to export. Last fumigation is obligatory before shipment according to current quarantine treatment. Methyl Bromide (MeBr) fumigation is the most commonly used insect quarantine treatment for dried fruits and nuts in Turkey to protect from potential infestations. In accordance with the Montreal Protocol, Turkey as an Article 5(1) country will take actions to regulate and take measures to phase-out MeBr use. So, Turkey has to total phase-out in 2015 but according to Turkey MeBr Phase-out Action Plan prepared and published by The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural affairs in 2001, using MeBr should be reduced for stored commodities by 50% by 2002 and phased-out totally by 2004. Irradiation technology is ready as an alternative to MeBr fumigation under the Action Plan of Turkey. Intensive research studies on food irradiation in Turkey have started in early 1970's and have still been continued. After careful and intensive works of all related authorities and specialists for a long period and with the help of ICGFI, the food irradiation regulation of Turkey was published in Official Newspaper on November 6, 1999. Having the Food Irradiation Regulation has supported to initiate commercialization study in Turkey in Co-operation with IAEA (TUR 5022). Feasibility study of a commercial food irradiation facility for the potential application of food irradiation in Turkey was prepared by IAEA experts Dr.M.Ahmed and Ir. J.P.Lacroix and together with TUR 5022 Research Team in April 2001 in Izmir, Turkey. Gamma-Pak Irradiation Facility in Cerkeskoy-Tekirdag got the commercial food irradiation license and registration certificate in Feb. 2002. Practical application of food irradiation is getting more attraction in Turkey in parallel with other countries.Item Prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis (pgnaa) System by using a 740 GBq 241Am-Be neutron source(National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2003) Çetiner, M. Atıf; Yücel, Haluk; Demirbaş, Ahmet; Demirel, Halil; Bozkurt, Ahmet; Turhan, Şeref; Özmen, Atilla; TAEK-ANAEMA PGNAA system consisting of a 740 GBq 241Am-Be neutron source and a gamma spectrometer with a n-type Ge (REGe) detector was installed at ANRTC to measure the prompt gamma-rays produced by the interactions of thermal neutrons in the samples for the analysis of light elements such as B, P, S and Cl, and some trace elements with large cross sections (Cd, Hg, Sm, Gd, etc.). In the irradiation system, a 55 cm diameter cylinder tank filled with water moderator comprises the neutron source placed in a polypropylene tube that was coaxially positioned in the lead rings (internal diameter: 9 cm and outer diameter: 21 cm) in order to reduce the gamma rays emitted directly from the source such as 0.0596 MeV (241Am) and 4.43 MeV (0.6 gamma per neutron) from the excited state of 13C* via the 9Be(α, n)12C reaction in the source. The moderator tank was shielded with paraffin in all sides against fast neutrons. The thickness of paraffin at the front side of the tank is 28 cm and 18 cm at other sides. The neutron irradiation system was also shielded by using chevron lead bricks of 18 cm thickness. The background-prominent gamma rays, which is especially the 2.223 MeV gamma ray from the 1H(n,γ)2H reaction formed in hydrogenous materials used for neutron moderation was reduced remarkably in view of the permissible gamma dose for overall irradiation room. The neutrons thermalized in moderator travel through the hole with 6 cm diameter for sample irradiations. The detector was shielded with Li2CO3 powder against thermal neutrons to avoid radiation damage and surrounded by additional lead bricks to reduce gamma-background. The measurements are carried out for the efficiency calibration of the detector by using the standard sources. The features of the PGNAA system with an isotopic neutron source are described and its analysis capability is discussed in this paper.