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Item ÇAY BİTKİSİNDE YENİ ÇEŞİTLERİN ELDE EDİLMESİ AMACI İLE ETKİLİ MUTASYON DOZUNUN BELİRLENMESİ DETERMINATION OF THE EFFECTIVE MUTATION DOSE FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING NEW VARIETIES IN TEA PLANT(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-29) GÖKSU KARAOĞLU, Burcu; YAZICI, Keziban; KANTOĞLU, Yaprak; KUNTER, Burak; AKA KAÇAR, YıldızÇay dünyada sudan sonra en fazla tüketilen içecek bitkisidir. Türkiye’de sadece Doğu Karadeniz bölümünde yetiştiriciliği yapılmaktadır. Yetiştiriciliğin yaygınlaşmaya başladığı tarihten bu yana tüm bahçeler tohumla tesis edilmiş olup klon çay çeşitleri ile tesis edilmiş bahçeler bulunmamakta bu da verim ve kaliteye etki etmektedir. Çay bitkisinde heterezigoti oranının yüksek olması ve kendine uyuşmazlık mekanizmasının varlığı ıslah çalışmalarının süresini uzatmaktadır. Mutasyon ıslahı, çay bitkisinde genetik çeşitlilik ortaya çıkarmak için hızlı ve pratik bir yöntemdir. Çay üretiminde önemli olan Çin, Hindistan, Kenya ve Sri Lanka gibi ülkelerde mutasyon ıslahı ile ticarete konu olan önemli çay çeşitleri geliştirilmiştir. Ülkemizde ise bu konuda bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı çayda mutasyon ıslahı yöntemini kullanarak varyasyon yaratmak ve yeni çay çeşit adayları geliştirmektir. Çalışmamız Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, araştırma seralarında 2020 ile 2023 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada materyal olarak kullanılan Zihni Derin çay çeşidine ait 3-4 gözlü sürgünlere Türkiye Enerji Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu’nda İzotop marka “Ob-Servo Sanguis Co-60 Research Irradiator” model gama ışınlama cihazı ile 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ve 70 Gy dozlarında ışınlama yapılmıştır. Işınlamadan sonra tek gözlü olarak alınan çay çelikleri torf-vermikulit karışımına dikilmiştir. Farklı dozlarda gama ışını uygulanan çay çeliklerinin canlılık ve köklenme oranları belirlenmiş büyüyen çay fidanlarında ise sürgün uzunluğu (mm) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Sürgün uzunluğuna göre yapılan probit regresyon analizine göre “Etkili Mutasyon Dozunun’’ 11,45 Gy olduğu tespit edilikten sonra ana mutant populasyonu oluşturmak için çay çelikleri üzerine bu doz uygulanmıştır. Uygulamadan sonra M1V1 generasyonu oluşturulmuştur. M1V1 generasyonu Ek-2 üzerinde ölçüm ve gözlemler yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, M1V1-V3 generasyonlarında mutant çay bitkilerinde büyük oranda varyasyon meydana geldiği belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile 140 adet mutant çay genotipi elde edilmiş olup, bu genotipler Ulusal Çay Gen Havuzumuza aktarılacaktır. Tea is the second most consumed beverage plant in the world after water. It is only cultivated in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Since the beginning of cultivation, all gardens have been established with seeds, and there are no gardens established with clonal tea varieties, which also affects yield and quality. The high heterozygosity rate in tea plants and the presence of self-incompatibility mechanisms prolong the duration of breeding studies. Mutation breeding is a rapid and practical method for generating genetic diversity in tea plants. Important tea varieties that are traded have been developed through mutation breeding in countries such as China, India, Kenya, and Sri Lanka, which are important in tea production. No studies have been conducted on this issue in our country. The aim of this study is to create variation and develop new tea variety candidates using the mutation breeding method in tea. Our study was conducted at the Research Greenhouses of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Faculty of Agriculture, between 2020 and 2023. In the study, 3-4-eyed shoots belonging to the Zihni Derin tea variety were irradiated with gamma rays at doses of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 Gy using the “Ob-Servo Sanguis Co-60 Research Irradiator” model gamma irradiation device of the Turkish Energy Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency. After irradiation, tea cuttings were taken as single eyes and planted in a mixture of peat and vermiculite. The viability and rooting rates of tea cuttings irradiated with different doses of gamma rays were determined, and the shoot length (mm) measurements were made in the growing tea seedlings. The probit regression analysis performed according to the shoot length, the “Effective Mutation Dose” was found to be 11.45 Gy. After the application with 11.45 Gy, the M1V1 generation was created. Measurements and observations were made on the M1V1 generation. According to the results of the study, a large amount of variation occurred in mutant tea plants in the M1V1-V3 generations. With this study, 140 mutant tea genotypes were obtained, and these genotypes will be transferred to our National Tea Gene Pool.Item Effects of Two Different Gamma Ray Sources on In Vitro Shoot Explantation of Fraser Photinia and Determination of Effective Mutation Dose(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-12-03) Türkmen, Onur Sinan; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, Ş. ŞebnemFraser photinia (Photinia × fraseri cv. Red Robin) is widely preferred as ornamental plant in garden designs due to environmental resilience and decorative feature. Considering the increasing adaptation capacity of the existing varieties of the species to changing climatic conditions, efforts to develop new varieties with high attractiveness to the market have started to increase. The in vitro mutation breeding method has serious potential for expanding the existing variability for this species, which is prone to in vitro propagation. Determining the applicability of ionizing gamma ray sources for in vitro mutation studies on Fraser photinia is crucial. In this study, two different gamma-ionizing radiation sources cesium 137 (137Cs) and cobalt 60 (60Co) were used to determine the radiation sensitivity of in vitro shoot explants, and effective mutation dose (EMD50) values were determined for the sources. For this purpose, in vitro shoot explants were irradiated at thirteen different doses ranging from thirteen different doses (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 130 Gy) with 60Co (Dose rate: 235 Gy/h) and 137Cs (Dose rate: 821 Gy/h) gamma ray sources. Thirty days after irradiation, shoot length and number of leaves were measured in in vitro plantlets, and EMD50 values were calculated by linear regression analysis. The EMD50 dose based on the number of leaves as a result of cesium-137 source ray application was determined as 60.34 Gy, while this value was determined as 80.88 Gy for cobalt- 60 source. According to these results, it was seen that the source power, irradiation time, and the effect created by the linear energy transfer value of the beam during tissue penetration were effective on the EMD50 dose difference.Item Efficient Purification and Production of Rare Earth Metals from Bastnasite Ore: Beneficiation, Leaching, Solvent Extraction, and Metallothermic Reduction Approaches(IMNR, 2024-10-30) KOÇ DELİCE, Tülay; TÜRKER, Gülşah; KUTLUATA, Onur Berk; ŞEŞEN, Halil; SOYDAŞ SÖZER, Belma; PITICESCU, Radu Robert; Bogdanescu, CristianRare earth elements (REE) are one of the indispensable raw materials of modern technologies and are used in many critical applications such as magnetic materials, catalysts and batteries. The economic and efficient recovery of REE from ores is of great importance to reduce global supply risks [1,2] This study investigates the production of high purity rare earth metals by physical pre-benefication, leaching, solvent extraction and metallothermic reduction steps applied in the process of recovery of rare earth elements from bastnasite ore containing rare earth elements. Bastnasite occurs naturally with fluorite, barite, calcite, quartz, hematite and some silicates. Various methods, mainly gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation and electrical separation, can be used to extract these gangue minerals [3]. In the present study, bastnasite ore was subjected to crushing-grinding-sieving processes and pre-enrichment process was carried out. The direct leaching and roasting methods were applied to the screened ore and the pre-beneficatio ore sample with a particle size of -45 µm was then subjected to mineral acid leaching with and without roasting. The effects of roasting temperature, roasting type, acid type, acid concentration on the leaching efficiency of the pre-enriched ore concentrate were investigated. Solvent extraction parameters were investigated for the purification and selective recovery of REEs from the REE loaded solution obtained. In the following stage of the study, we focused on the production of high purity rare earth metals from rare earth oxides purified by solvent extraction by metallothermic method. The metallothermic process is based on a reduction reaction, usually using reactive metals such as Ca or Mg. In this study, neodymium metal (Nd) production by metallothermic reduction method using neodymium oxide (Nd₂O₃) obtained after solvent extraction process with 95%-97% Nd content is discussed. Mg was selected as the reactive metal. The reduction reaction was carried out in vacuum under high temperature conditions (800-1000°C). As a result of metallothermic reduction, high purity neodymium sponge was obtained.Item Mineralogic assessment of natural radionuclide rich beach sands in Western Anatolia (Çanakkale) Batı Anadolu'da (Çanakkale) radyonüklid bakımından zengin doğal plaj kumlarının mineralojik değerlendirilmesi(ICENSS, 2023-05-24) Gülmez Yıldırım, Fatma; Yıldırım, AydınNatural radioactivity concentrations in beach deposits and surrounding magmatic rocks at Ezine, Çanakkale, are notably high. The specific activities of 238U, 232Th and 40K are in the range of 40-361, 50-341 and 670-1572 Bq kg-1, respectively, for the magmatic rock suites. Bulk sand samples from the beaches exhibit even higher concentrations of natural radioactivity: Hantepe beach, located near the contact of Kestanbol pluton with pre-Tertiary basement units displays extremely high 238U (1885 Bq kg -1) and 232Th (4360 Bq kg -1) with the lowest 40K (687 Bq kg -1) activity concentrations. This enrichment at Hantepe beach was attributed to the U-bearing accessory minerals (zircon, apatite, thorite, uranothorite, monazite, etc.) selectively rich along the northern margin of Kestanbol Pluton. These minerals serve as Rare Earth Elements (REE) repositories, prompting an extensive investigation into the economic potential of radionuclide-rich beach sands at Ezine. In this study, gamma ray spectrometry measurements were conducted on fractions of beach sands to identify the source minerals of the radioactivity. The sand fraction concentrated in diamagnetic and felsic minerals (K-feldspar + Plagioclase ± Quartz) with grain sizes ≥ 250 µ, exhibits the highest 40K specific activity (1173.3 ± 133.5 Bq kg-1) but the lowest concentrations of 238U (176.4 ± 18.1 Bq kg-1) and 232Th series (197.8 ± 21.9 Bq kg-1). On the contrary, the fraction rich in paramagnetic and mafic minerals (Pyroxene + Amphibole + Biotite + Epidote ± Granat) with the grain sizes < 125 µm has the most elevated concentrations of 238U (884.5 ± 56.6 Bq kg-1) and 232Th (1332.9 ± 99.1 Bq kg-1) series and slightly elevated 40K (436.4 ± 50.3 Bq kg-1), compared to the Earth’s average. These findings suggest that the rock-forming minerals in the magmatic rocks are also responsible for the natural high radioactivity in the region. Batı Anadolu’da Ezine (Çanakkale) dolaylarındaki plajlara ait kumların ve plajların yakınındaki magmatik kayaların doğal radyoaktivite konsantrayonları oldukça yükektir. Magmatik kaya grupları için 238U serisi, 232Th serisi ve 40K spesifik aktiviteleri sırasıyla 40-361, 50-341 ve 670-1572 Bq kg-1 aralığındadır. Plajlardan derlenen dökme kum örneklerinde ise radyoaktivite konsantrasyonların daha da yüksek olduğu ortaya konulmuştur: Kestanbol plütonu ile Tersiyer öncesi temel kayaların sınırına yakın bir alanda konumlanmış olan Hantepe plajına ait kum örnekleri en yüksek 238U serisi (1885 Bq kg -1) ve 232Th serisi (4360 Bq kg -1) ile en düşük 40K (687 Bq kg -1) aktivite konsantrayonlarına sahiptir. Hantepe sahilindeki bu zenginleşme, Kestanbol Plütonu'nun kuzey kenarı boyunca seçici olarak zengin olduğu öne sürülen Uranyumlu aksesuar minerallere (zirkon, apatit, torit, uranotorit, monazit, vb.) atfedilmiştir. Bu mineraller, yüksek Nadir Toprak Elementleri (NTE) içeriklerine sahip olduklarından, Ezine'deki radyonüklid zengin plaj kumlarının ekonomik potansiyelleri önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, radyoaktivitenin kaynak minerallerini belirlemek için pplajlardan derlenen dökme kum örneklerinden elde edilen fraksiyonlar üzerinde gama ışını spektrometresi ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Tane boyutları ≥ 250 µm olan, diyamanyetik ve felsik minerallerin (K-feldispat+ Plajiyoklaz ± Kuvars) yoğun olduğu fraksiyonda 40K spesifik aktivitesinin (1173.3 ± 133.5 Bq kg-1) en yüksek değerlere ulaştığı, 238U (176.4 ± 18.1 Bq kg-1) ve 232Th serisinin (197.8 ± 21.9 Bq kg-1) ise en düşük değerlerde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, tane boyu < 125 µm olan, paramanyetik ve mafik minerallerce (Piroksen + Amfibol + Biyotit + Epidot ± Granat) zengin olan fazda ise 238U (884.5 ± 56.6 Bq kg-1) ve 232Th (1332.9 ± 99.1 Bq kg-1) serisi spesifik aktivitesinin en yüksek değerlere ulaştığı, 40K spesifik aktivitesinin ise (436.4 ± 50.3 Bq kg-1), Dünya ortalamasının hafifçe üzerinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgular, magmatik kayalardan türeyerek plaj kumlarına katılan kayaç yapıcı minerallerin de bölgedeki yüksek doğal radyoaktivite değerlerinden sorumlu olduğunu gösterir.Item Son 480.000 Yılın Yeniden Düzenlenmesi: Batı Anadolu’da Bulunan Acıgöl'ün 128 m Uzunluğundaki Karot Bölümünün Yaş-Derinlik Modeli Reconstructing The Last 480,000 Years: The Age-Depth Model of a 128 m Long Core Section From Lake Acıgöl, Western Anatolia(Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 2024-10-18) ÇALDIRAK, Hüseyin; ÖN, Zeki Bora; AKÇER ÖN, SenaGöller, geçmiş çevresel ve iklimsel kayıtların arşivlendiği önemli kapalı sistemlerdir. Bu çalışmada, Güneybatı Anadolu'daki "Göller Bölgesi "nde yer alan Acıgöl playa gölünden alınan 600 metre uzunluğundaki bir karotun (Acıgöl2009-B03) üst 128 metresi için bir derinlik-yaş modeli sunulmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, güneybatı Anadolu bölgesinde Kuvaterner döneminden günümüze iklim ve çevresel değişiklikleri anlamak için karotun jeokimyasal, mikropaleontolojik ve fiziksel özelliklerindeki değişiklikleri belirlemektir. Yaş-derinlik modelinin oluşturulması, Acıgöl2009-B03'ün ağaç polen yüzdesinin “sorgu” olarak seçilmesini ve LR04 (Lisiecki ve Raymo, 2005) bentik δ18O yığını deniz oksijen izotop kaydının “referans” olarak belirlenerek, dinamik zaman bükme algoritması ile kullanılmasını içermektedir. Ek olarak, üç adet radyokarbon tarihi, üç adet U/Th tarihi ve volkanik camdan türetilen bir adet yaş noktası (Kos Platosu Tüfü 161.3 ± 0.1 ka, Akcer-Ön ve diğerleri, 2017), sonuçların doğruluğunu kontrol etmek için dayanak noktası olarak kullanılmıştır. Referans veri setine Savitzky-Golay filtresi uygulanmıştır. Veri, üçte bir çözünürlükle yeniden örneklenmiştir ve yeniden yapılandırıldı.. Her iki veri setine de Z-skoru normalizasyonu uygulandı. Verinin standardize edilmesinin ardından, R istatistik yazılımı için geliştirilen dtw (dinamik zaman bükme) paketi kullanılarak en uygun bükme yolu seçilmiştir. 128 m uzunluğundaki Acıgöl2009-B03 karotu yaklaşık 480 bin yıl öncesini kapsamaktadır. Denizel İzotop Aşamaları (MIS) 1 - MIS 12 arasındaki zaman aralığına ve neredeyse MIS 13'ün yarısına karşılık gelmektedir. Lakes are significant closed systems where past environmental and climatic records are archived. In this study, we present a depth-age model for the upper 128 meters of a 600-meter-long core (Acıgöl2009-B03) taken from a playa lake, Acıgöl, in the “Lakes Region” in southwest Anatolia. The aim of this research is to determine the changes in the geochemical, micropaleontological, and physical characteristics of the core to understand climate and environmental changes in the Quaternary period to the present in the southwestern Anatolian region. The construction of the age-depth model involves selecting the arboreal pollen percentage of Acıgöl2009-B03 as the “query” and employing the LR04 (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) benthic δ18O stack marine oxygen isotope record as the “reference” within a dynamic time warping algorithm. Additionally, three extant radiocarbon dates, three U/Th dates, and an age point derived from volcanic glass (the Kos Plateau Tuff of 161.3 ± 0.1 ka, Akçer-Ön et al., 2017 ) serve as anchor points to validate the accuracy of the age model. The Savitzky-Golay filter was applied to the reference data. The data were resampled by one-third resolution and the data was restructured. Z-score normalization was applied to both data sets. Following data standardization, the optimal warping path is selected using the dtw package in R. The 128 m long Acıgöl2009-B03 sequence encompasses approximately the past 480 ka, corresponding to the temporal span between Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 - MIS 12 and extending nearly halfway through MIS 13.Item Effect of Hydrogen Decrepitation Temperature and Milling on Crystal Structure and Particle Size of End-of-Life NdFeB Magnets(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-08-16) Saritas, Senem; Habibzadeh, Alireza; ARIK, Muhammet Nasuh; GÖKELMA, Mertol; Çakır, ÖznurRecycling NdFeB magnets from secondary sources is a vital strategy for addressing the supply risks associated with critical raw materials such as Neodymium (Nd) and Dysprosium (Dy). Among various recycling methods, Hydrogen Decrepitation (HD) is recognized as an efficient process for recovering the end-of-life (EoL) magnets. This study aims to examine the impact of different HD temperatures on the crystal structure and particle size of milled HDNdFeB. End-of-Life (EoL) NdFeB magnets were subjected to HD process at ambient pressures and varying temperatures between 30°C to 200°C. It was observed that increasing the HD temperature up to 50°C exhibits a shift to lower 2θ angles in XRD crystal patterns while further increasing the HD temperature resulted in reversed behavior. The optimum HD process, according to the XRD results, showed 92.7% Nd₂Fe₁₄BH (Neodymium Iron Boride Hydride) along with some oxide phases. It was revealed that following milling of the optimum HD powders, the crystallite size decreased from 12.512 Å to 302 Å and this reduction is accompanied by a dramatic shift to higher angles. Overall, the milling resulted in a particle size distribution of 10µm (Dv50)Item ProtoDUNE Run Conditions Database(IOWA, 2024-10-08) Hernández, Ana P. Vizcaya; Bostan, Nilay; Kirby, MichaelThe Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long-baseline experiment which aims to study neutrino oscillations and Astroparticle physics amongst other things. o DUNE will consist of two neutrino detectors (the near and the far detectors) placed on the path of the most intense neutrino beam in the world [1]. o ProtoDUNE is the largest scale prototype of the far detector Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) and it is currently deployed at CERN. o DUNE will produce vast amounts of metadata, which describe the data coming from the readout of the primary DUNE detectors. Various databases will make up the overall DB architecture for this metadata. o To write robust and reproducible physics results, to carefully monitor the experimental conditions, and to make the relevant metadata accessible to all users, a physics-oriented database was designed for ProtoDUNE metadataItem Cereals, Grains and Legumes Irradiation for Türkiye: Past, Present and Future Opportunities Türkiye için Tahıl ve Bakliyat Işınlaması: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecekteki Fırsatlar(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-05-30) Çetinkaya, Nurcan; İç, Erhan; Yalçıntaş, MehmetIrradiation of cereals, grains and dry legume seeds for phytosanitary purposes is not a new idea. To date, in addition to the research phase, many system installations for commercial applications have been carried out. The oldest of these enterprises started operating in Türkiye in 1967 with the cooperation of the Turkish Government and UN organizations. It was a short-lived enterprise because of not receiving sufficient public support. The objectives of this paper are consideration the potential of cereals, grains and dry legume seeds irradiation and also new application such as EB or X-ray approaches in food irradiation. Phytosanitary irradiation has important advantages especially for food security. Ukraine and China have been gained industrial irradiation experience in the application of EB sources as an alternative to gamma sources. Recently the number of companies with field experience in industrial EB applications and offering alternative design opportunities is increasing. Since Türkiye is a major cereal grain, and pulses producer and exporter, the insect infestation is an important problem. Temperature is the most important environmental factor influencing insect population dynamics, global climate change is expected to cause an expansion of their geographic range. As climate change exacerbates the pest problem, there is an urgent need for new pest management solutions. Instead of conventional methods, EB/X-ray irradiation at very low doses and irradiation of bulk grains & cereals and packaged legume seeds have significant potential. Consequently, potential scenarios for the Turkish market regarding the irradiation of such products with EB/X-ray are high potential. The most economical option seems EB for bulk grains & cereals and X-ray systems for packaged legume seeds. Türkiye için Tahıl ve Bakliyat Işınlaması: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecekteki Fırsatlar Tahılların ve kuru baklagil tohumlarının bitki sağlığı amacıyla ışınlanması yeni bir fikir değildir. Bugüne kadar araştırma aşamasının yanı sıra ticari uygulamalara yönelik birçok sistem kurulumu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu işletmelerin en eskisi 1967 yılında Türk Hükümeti ve BM kuruluşlarının işbirliğiyle Türkiye'de faaliyete geçmiş ancak yeterli kamuoyu desteği alamadığından kısa ömürlü bir girişim olarak kalmıştır. Bu makalenin amacı tahıllar ve kuru baklagil tohumlarının ışınlama potansiyelini ve ayrıca gıda ışınlamasında EB veya X-ışını yaklaşımları gibi yeni uygulamaları dikkate almaktır. Bitki sağlığı ışınlaması özellikle gıda güvenliği açısından önemli avantajlara sahiptir. Ukrayna ve Çin, gama kaynaklarına alternatif olarak EB kaynaklarının uygulanmasında endüstriyel ışınlama deneyimi kazanmıştır. Son dönemde endüstriyel EB uygulamalarında saha tecrübesi olan ve alternatif tasarım fırsatları sunan firmaların sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Türkiye önemli bir tahıl, bakliyat üreticisi ve ihracatçısı olduğundan böcek istilası önemli bir sorundur. Sıcaklık, böcek popülasyon dinamiklerini etkileyen en önemli çevresel faktör olup, küresel iklim değişikliğinin böceklerin coğrafi yayılımının genişlemesine neden olması beklenmektedir. İklim değişikliği haşere sorununu ağırlaştırdıkça, yeni haşere yönetimi çözümlerine acil ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Geleneksel yöntemlerin yerine, çok düşük dozlarda EB/X-ışını ışınlaması ve yığın halinde tahıllar ile paketlenmiş baklagil tohumlarının ışınlanması önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Sonuç olarak, bu tür ürünlerin EB/X-ray ile ışınlanmasına ilişkin Türkiye pazarı için uygun senaryolar yüksek potansiyele sahiptir. En ekonomik seçenek, yığın halindeki tahıllar için EB ve paketlenmiş baklagil tohumları için X-ışını sistemleri gibi görünmektedir.Item Shielding effect of boron carbide-tungsten carbide-aluminum metal matrix hybrid composite against different type of radiations(SSRN, 2024-11-12) AKKAS, Ayhan; TUGRUL, A. Beril; TAZEGUL, OnurThe present study examined the shielding effect of composite materials containing varying proportions of aluminum, boron carbide and tungsten carbide compounds against different radiation types. The transmission technique was used to investigate the attenuation properties of the materials against gamma, beta and neutron radiation. The linear and mass attenuation coefficients of the samples were determined by 0.059 MeV (Am-241), 0.662 MeV (Cs-137) and 1.25 MeV (Co-60) energetic gamma rays and Emax = 2.25 MeV energetic beta rays. Furthermore, the total macroscopic cross section (T) was calculated for the materials in the presence of the Pu-Be neutron source. The gamma mass attenuation coefficient values were compared with theoretical values obtained from the XCOM programme code. Calculations of the half-value thickness (HVT) were conducted utilising linear attenuation coefficient and total macroscopic cross-section values. The results demonstrated that an increase in the tungsten carbide content of the materials resulted in an enhancement of the HVTs against gamma and beta radiation from Am-241, Cs-137 and Co-60. Furthermore, an increase in the boron carbide ratio resulted in an enhancement of the HVTs against the Pu-Be neutron source. The findings of this study may prove useful in the selection of effective shielding materials against mixed radiation in nuclear industries.Item SELECTIVE SEPARATION OF SAMARIUM FROM LIGHT RARE EARTH ELEMENTS via pH-CONTROLLED SOLVENT EXTRACTION(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-26) Tunç, Melike; Gezici, Utku Orçun; Baştürkcü, Esra; Ertürk, Selim; Soydaş Sözer, Belma; Kartal Şireli, Güldem; Timur, ServetRare Earth Elements (REEs) are essential for advanced technologies due to their unique properties. This study presents a pH-controlled solvent extraction method to separate Samarium (Sm) from light REEs simulating Beylikova REE leaching liquid. The process, utilizing 0.75 M DEHPA in kerosene, showed that Sm achieved a 59% extraction efficiency at pH 0.5, significantly higher than La, Pr, and Nd. This pH optimization enhances the sustainability and efficiency of REE extraction, promoting the effective utilization of Turkey's REE resources and domestic technologies.Item ASSESSING CYANEX 272 and BINARY EXTRACTANTS for the SEPARATION of PRASEODYMIUM and NEODYMIUM in EXTRACTION of ESKİŞEHİR – BEYLİKOVA RARE EARTH ORES(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-26) Gezici, Utku Orçun; Baştürkcü, Esra; Arslan-Kaba, Mehtap; Ertürk, Selim; Sözer, Belma Soydaş; Kartal Şireli, Güldem; Timur, ServetRare earth elements (REEs) are essential in various industrial applications due to their high magnetic susceptibility, low density, and thermal stability. Praseodymium is used in producing yellow pigments for glass and ceramics, while Neodymium is crucial in producing powerful permanent magnets and laser applications. Technological advancements have driven the demand for Pr and Nd and increased the need for a reliable supply chain. The primary sources of Pr and Nd are minerals like monazite, bastnasite, and xenotime, which require complex separation processes due to their mixed contents. The main secondary sources include electronic waste, particularly from permanent magnets. The difficulty in the extraction of REEs lies in their closely related chemical and physical properties. Solvent extraction (SX), based on differences in ionic radii, is a widely used method for REE separation in industrial applications. Nevertheless, the similarity in Pr and Nd ionic radius complicates their separation compared to other REEs. This research examined the effectiveness of Cyanex 272 in the SX process for separating Pr and Nd, as well as its potential for improvement through the use of binary extractant combinations viz. Cyanex 572, Cyanex 801, Cyanex 923, as well as DEHPA. The synthetically prepared aqueous solution was composed of 400 ppm Pr and 800 ppm Nd. The extraction efficiency and selectivity were determined by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). The findings revealed that the loading efficiencies for Pr and Nd varied with the concentration of Cyanex 272, namely Pr loading efficiencies ranging from 5.5% to 24.4%, and Nd from 6.7% to 31.3%. Notably, binary extractant experiments indicated that mixtures incorporating Cyanex 272 with DEHPA, Cyanex 572, and Cyanex 801 exhibited enhanced extraction efficiencies compared with the sole Cyanex 272. On the other hand, the combination of Cyanex 272 and Cyanex 923 resulted in a diminished extraction efficiency. These obtained outcomes could potentially adapt to the development of domestic technology for the extraction of REEs from the Eskişehir Beylikova REE Ores.Item SELECTIVE SEPARATION of LANTHANUM USING DEHPA: INVESTIGATING THE POTENTIAL of EXTRACTING RARE EARTH ELEMENTS from ESKISEHIR BEYLIKOVA ORES(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-26) Tunç, Melike; Gezici, Utku Orçun; Özer, Osman Can; Arslan Kaba, Mehtap; Soydaş Sözer , Belma; Kartal Şireli, Güldem; Kartal Şireli, Güldem; Timur, Servet İ.Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are essential components of advanced technology applications such as renewable energy, electronics, and defense. Their unique magnetic, catalytic, and luminescent properties render them essential for the development of high-performance materials. However, efficient and selective separation of individual REEs is a significant challenge owing to their chemical and physical similarities. This study focuses on the selective separation of lanthanum (La) from complex mixtures of REEs as it is crucial for the sustainable extraction of Eskişehir Beylikova Rare Earth Ore. In this study, solvent extraction (SX), a critical method for separating REEs, was carried out by using di (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) as the extractant. The selection of DEHPA was done based on its proven efficiency in REE SX processes, which offers a balance between selectivity and extraction capacity. For this purpose, various DEHPA concentrations in the organic phase were studied to obtain the optimal conditions for the selective separation of La from the leach liquor. The synthetically prepared leach liquor contained 5000 ppm La, 400 ppm Pr, 800 ppm Nd, and 200 ppm Sm. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) was utilized to determine the precise ion concentrations in the initial and extracted aqueous phases which ensured the accurate assessment of the extraction efficiency and selectivity. These initial findings revealed that the loading pattern is as follows: initial larger ionic radius La3+ (1.16 Å) loaded than after Pr3+ (1.13 Å), Nd3+ (1.11 Å), and Sm3+ (1.08 Å) came. The organic concentration was prepared ranging from 0.03M to 0.9M in kerosene. The loading efficiencies for La varied from 1.95% to 84.5%, whereas those for Sm, Pr, and Nd varied from 77.61% to 100%, from 41.69% to 99.17%, and from 27.78% to 97.68%, respectively, with increasing DEHPA concentrations. The outcomes demonstrated the feasibility of selective separation of La from other REEs using 0.03M DEHPA. The obtained results could be potentially adopted for the domestic production of REEs in the Eskişehir Beylikova Rare Earth Ores.Item Production of Metallic Lanthanum from Its Oxide Form via Molten Salt Electrolysis(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-26) Özer, Osman Can; Arslan Kaba, Mehtap; Kartal Şireli, Güldem; Soydaş Sözer, Belma; Timur, ServetLanthanides, including the elements with the atomic number of 57 to 71, scandium, and yttrium are the seventeen chemically related elements known as rare earth elements (REEs). Despite their misleading name, “rare earth”, these elements are not rare in the Earth’s crust. Instead, the term refers to the challenge of separating and obtaining them in their pure form due to their similar chemical properties. REEs are crucial in a variety of high-technology applications, namely the military, the automobile industry, electrical engineering, optics, catalysts, wind turbines, and other sustainable energy systems, due to their exceptional physical and chemical properties. Because of the growing demand for REEs in functional materials, the recovery of REEs from secondary resources has become critical to the transition to a green economy. The primer REEs extraction process consists of mining, physical beneficiation, chemical treatments, separation, and reduction. In the reduction step, where REEs reduce to metal form, electrolytic methods (molten salt electrolysis) and metallothermic methods are prominently discussed in the open literature. Electrolytic methods can operate continuously and outperform metallothermic techniques in terms of production capacity and controllability, as well as product purity. Nowadays, two types of electrolytes are commonly used in the electrolytic production of REEs: fluoride- and chloride-based molten salts. The main issues with the widely used electrochemical extraction of rare earth oxides in fluoride-based molten electrolytes are lower solubility and lower energy efficiencies, as well as higher emissions of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and perfluorocarbons, which are extremely harmful to the environment. Given the current limitations of fluoride systems, molten chloride-based electrolytes appear to be a preferable option. To achieve lower melting points (e.g., 650 °C) and higher product purities (i.e., 99%), common chloride electrolytes are composed of RECl3 (RECl3= rare earth chlorides) and additional chlorides, such as NaCl, KCl, BaCl2, and CaCl2. Thus, we concentrated on molten salts based on chlorides containing RECl3. To overcome the low solubility of rare earth oxides in molten chloride salts and toxic oxychloride formations, RECl3 salts were used. RE2O3 was converted to RECl3 in a separate system through chlorination. Furthermore, the need to work in a controlled atmosphere due to REEs high oxygen affinity made the electrolysis cell design critical. As a result, the electrochemical cell was designed and installed, and the effects of process parameters such as electrolyte composition, temperature, current efficiency, and electrolysis time were investigated systematically. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) were used to characterize the produced La. The maximum current efficiency was found to be 73.5%. These obtained results could potentially be implemented during the development of domestic technology for the electrolytic extraction of REEs from Turkey Eskişehir Beylikova REEs ores.Item Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Organo-Rare-Earth-Metal Complexes for Organic Light Emitting Diode Applications(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-04-26) MARAŞLIOĞLU, Cem; CEVHER, Şevki Can; CANIMKURBEY, Betül; CAMCI, Merve Taner; ÇIRPAN, AliLighting technologies are an indispensable part of this era and cover a wide area in many fields such as primary lighting and lighting in imaging sectors. Among these lighting technologies, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) attract attention due to their low potential operation, easy application to large areas, flexibility, lightness and high resolution. On the other hand, it is seen in the literature that organometallic complexes synthesized by using transition metals and some rare earth metals operate with high efficiency. This study is initiated by the motivation to increase the diversity in OLED applications and to synthesize applicable electroluminescent organometallic materials with high performance criterias. While imidazole derivatives, which are known to emit blue light are easy to synthesize and derivatize, were chosen as organic components, Europium (Eu), Lanthanium (La) and Terbium (Tb) metals were preferred as metals to be used in organometallic complexes. Imidazole-derivatives, which have electroluminescence alone, are expected to have high-intensity and narrow emission band possessing emission in their metal complexes taking advantage of the shielding properties of electrons in the outer orbit of rare earth metals (REMs) and inhibition of f-f electron transition. Structural characterizations are done by using infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR, optical characterizations are performed by UV-Vis spectroscopy (UV) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, electronical characterizations are completed by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV). Finally, the OLED applications has been completed and measured as external quantum efficiencies (EQEs), photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs), turn-on voltages and current density-voltage curves.Item RECOVERY OF PLATINUM GROUP METALS FROM SCRAP AUTOMOTIVE CATALYSTS BY HYDROMETALLURGICAL METHOD(IMNR, 2024-10-30) Kaya, Yasemin; Arda, Tuğba; Güldür, Fatma ÇiğdemBased on their economic importance and supply risk, platinum group metals (PGMs) are classified as critical elements by the European Commission. Meeting the increasing demand for PGMs is becoming more and more difficult due to the limited natural resources and depletion of high-grade ores [1,2]. A catalytic converter contains 0.1-0.5% PGMs such as Pt, Pd, and Rh, and the PGM content in catalytic converters is approximately a thousand times higher than the amount found in the ore [2]. For this reason, it is of great importance to obtain PGMs from non-traditional materials, such as scrap autocatalytic converters. This work aims to obtain high-efficiency, environmentally friendly, and economical PGM from the scrap catalytic converters with hydrometallurgical method. The scrap catalytic converter sample purchased from a Turkish supplier company in ground form was analysed to determine its PGM content. In order to investigate the roles of leaching temperature, T, solid to liquid ratio, S/L, and leaching time, t, the samples were treated with HCl and H2O2 solution under different leaching conditions. During leaching step, more than 98% Pt and Pd were taken into solution while Rh was leached more than 60% efficiency. Following the leaching step, the elements were separated from the leach solution by precipitation.Item Impact of Extractant Type and pH on Yttrium Recycling from End of Life Fluorescent Lamp(Scopus, 2023-11-14) Koç Delice, Tülay; Türker, Gülşah; Obuz, Hüseyin Eren; Soydaş Sözer, BelmaRare-earth elements (REEs), which are indispensable for high technology and renewable energy, are becoming more significant due to their distinct properties (e.g., catalytic, metallurgical, magnetic, etc.) and their diverse applications in a wide range of contemporary technologies, environmental initiatives, and economic domains. In the pursuit of an environmentally friendly, sustainable, circular approach, recycling and utilizing secondary rare-earth resources as potential reservoirs of REEs may present an alternative to primary mining, addressing future raw material demands. Secondary REE sources include various products such as fluorescent lamps, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), magnets, wind turbines, electric motors, and batteries. Powders used in fluorescent lamps contain approximately 3% phosphorus, and these powders comprise a high ratio of precious REEs such as Y, Eu, La, Ce, and Tb. This study involves the recovery of yttrium from end-of-life fluorescent lamps. The composition of the end-of-life fluorescent lamp was analyzed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques subsequent to grinding. The leaching process was conducted to investigate the effects of leach parameters on the efficiency of the reaction. In the subsequent phase of the study, a solution obtained with the optimum leaching efficiency was subjected to the purification of Y using the solvent extraction (SX) method. The effect of each different extractant and pH values on Y-recovery were investigated for SX process. Yttrium oxide powders were characterized by XRF and ICP(OES) techniques, and high-purity Y2O3 powders were obtained with high yield.Item Transfer Factors of 238U, 232Th, 40K, 210 Pb to selected some Crops and radiation impact assessment in Semi Arid Environment(Springer, 2024-05-22) Dirican, Abdullah; Dikmen, Hasan; Şahin, Mihriban; Gülay, Yusuf; Özkök, Yücel Özel; Kaya, Nihal; Vural, MustafaResearch on the safety of staple agricultural food products has always been one of humanity's priorities and provides input for dose assessment models. Within this important priority, activity concentrations, transfer factors (TF), and radiological effects of 238U, 232Th, 210Pb, and 40 12 K were studied for selected crops in a village close to the NORM area, located in Central Anatolia region of Turkey. The RESRAD-onsite code has been used to assess the total dose rate. The simulation of the risk analysis covered 80 years. The maximum total dose of 0.5 mSv/yr was obtained at t = 30 years.