TAC proposal for fundamental and applied research

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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Main parameters of linac-ring type ϕ factory and 1÷5 GeV energy proton synchrotron proposed in the framework of the Turkic Accelerator Complex (TAC) Project are discussed. Linac-ring type ϕ factory. Two sets of parameters, corresponding to E=130 (260) MeV for electron linac and E=1000 (2000) MeV for positron ring, are considered. It is shown that L=1034cm-2s-1 can be achieved, which is much higher than the design luminosity of the DAϕNE (Frascati, Italy). Therefore, a number of fundamental problems of particle physics such as CP violation, rare decays of K-mesons et cetera can be investigated with highest statistics. Moreover, asymmetry of kinematics can be advantageous for measuring neutral K-meson’s oscillations and CP violation parameters. Parameters of the FEL (Free Electron Laser) based on electron linac and synchrotron radiation sources based on the positron ring are estimated. These beamlines will give opportunity for a wide spectrum of applied research, which include molecular biology, material science, medicine et cetera. Proton synchrotron. This part consists of 100÷300 MeV energy linear pre-accelerator and 1÷5 GeV main ring. Proton beams from two different points of the synchrotron will be forwarded to neutron and muon regions, where a wide spectrum of applied research is planned. In muon region, together with fundamental investigations such as test of QED and muoniumantimuonium oscillations, a lot of applied investigations such as High-Tc superconductivity, phase transitions, impurities in semiconductors et cetera will be performed using the powerful Muon Spin Resonance (µSR) method. In neutron region investigations in different fields of applied physics, engineering, molecular biology and fundamental physics are planned. In addition, some principal aspects of recently proposed new type nuclear reactors with Thorium fuel could be studied.
I. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : 23-27 Ekim 2000. İzmir, Türkiye.
Fundamental and applied research, Temel ve uygulamalı araştırmalar, TAC proposal, TAC önerisi, Turkic Accelerator Complex, Türk Hızlandırıcı Kompleksi
Çiftçi, A. K. ... [ve arkadaşları]., (2000). TAC proposal for fundamental and applied research. I. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application, Presentations, Vol 2, (s. 1090-1096). 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey.