I. Eurasia conference on nuclear science and its application : presentations, 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey.

1. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : bildiriler 23-27 Ekim 2000 İzmir Türkiye


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 191
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    What can we learn from the direct reactions with 6He and 8He secondary beams on light targets at 25-32 MeV/n beam energy?
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Wolski, R.; Bogdanov, D. D.; Fomichev, A. S.; Rodin, A. M.; Stepantsov, S. V.; Sidorchuk, S I.; Ter-Akopian, G. M.; Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Bölüm Yok
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    Vector meson decays and the role of δ-meson *
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Gökalp, A.; Yılmaz, O.; Bölüm Yok
    The understanding of scalar mesons is one of the key problems of strong interaction physics. The low-mass pion-pion data provide indications on the existence of a low-mass scalar δ meson, however the mass and the decay width of δ meson candidate is not well known. In this work, we calculate the coupling constant of δ meson to vector meson p and to photon by utilizing the experimental branching ratio of p0→ π+π-γ radiative decay as a function of mass and decay width of c-meson. We then calculate the decay rate of p0→ π0π0γ radiative decay using this coupling constant. Measurement of this branching ratio thus may be used to determine c meson parameters more precisely....
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    Use of electrostatic accelerator for measurement and evaluation of nuclear data required for astrophysical applications
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Burtebaev, N.; Ibraeva, E. T.; Kadyrzhanov, K. K.; Bölüm Yok
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    Unconventional tin atom states in mixed silver and tin chalcogenides having NaCl structure
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Turaev, E. Yu.; Tursunov, S. N.; Djuraev, Sh. Kh.; Khalikov, B.; Bölüm Yok
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    The spherical metrics of the gamma-activation analysis on a bremsstrahlung of electrons
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Abibullaev, N. A.; Salikhbaev, U. S.; Bölüm Yok
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    The singular eigenfunction method: the milne problem for isotropic and extremely anisotropic scattering
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kaşkaş, A.; Güleçyüz, M. Ç.; Erdoğan, F.; Tezcan, C.; 4180; Bölüm Yok
    In the CN method of solving the third form of the transport equation, the medium as a result of Placzek lemma is extend to infinity. Infinite medium Green function which is obtained by the Fourier transform technique is used and the method is applied to one velocity problems in plane and cylindrical geometries. As the result of physical applications of the CN method in different geometries, it is seen that the only difficulty lies in writting the expression of the Green’s function in a form easy to handle. In the new method of solving of the third form of the transport equation (that we have generated recently), three methods, namely, CN, FN and the method of elementary solutions are considered, compared and the Green function in terms of the singular eigenfunctions is used. This method yields simple analytical expressions that can be solved numerically more efficiently than the CN method because the expression of the Green function is in the form easy to handle. Here this new method is applied to calculate the extrapolation length for the Milne problem which is classical problem in astrophysics concerned with the diffusion of radiation through a stellar atmosphere for both isotropic and extremely anisotropic scatterings. It is shown that the numerical results which are tabulated for selected cases are accurate even in the approximations of the lowest order and are in good agreement with the numerical results obtained by the other methods.
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    The resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in thermonuclear discharges :theory and experiment
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Bayramoğlu, A. Özer; TAEK-ÇNAEM
    It has been understood that thermonuclear plasma confinement and behaviour of the plasma was mostly depend upon the magnetic surfaces on which the confining magnetic field and the plasma current he. However magnetic surfaces are not stable and prone to the magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) stabilities and reconnection and finaly they lead to the magnetic island formation. Resistive magnetohydrodynamics and instabilities are reviewed both experimentally and theoretically, among them; tearing mode and mode locking phenomena, topological relaxation (sawteeth oscillation), magnetic island overlap and plasma minor and major distruption.are investigated. The tearing mode growth rate are determined. Magnetic field reconncection on the rational surfaces and magnetic island formation, magnetic island growth rate and plasma confinement relation and energy confinemenet degradation are emphasized: The island width and island evaluation equations are derived. Performance limitation and MHD activities and mode structure m=0,n=0,m=1,n=1 and their sidebands and overlap are reviwed. Plasma distruptive phenomena with up to date experiments are presented.
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    The influence of ionizing radiation on the basic parameters of photodiodes on the base of indium selenide
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Aliev, R. Yu.; Askerov, K. A.; Bölüm Yok
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    The group-theoretical approach to the description of nuclear states
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Baktybaev, K.; Bölüm Yok
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    The direct transformation of potential energy of electric field into kinetic energy of charged particles or electromagnetic radiation
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kolesnik, V. G.; Urusova, E. V.; Yuldashev, B. S.; Bölüm Yok
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    Technical and economical aspects of SO2 and NOx removal from flue gas by electron beam irradiation
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Turhan, Şeref; Karadeniz, Serdar; Tuğluoğlu, Nihat; Eken, Mahmut; Oktar, Okan; Ercan, İsmail; 20000; TAEK-ANAEM
    The emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2, also SO3) and nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, called NOx) from fossil fuel burning power and industrial plants is one of the major sources of environmental pollution. These pollutants are named as "acid gases" causing acid rain and also "indirect greenhouse gases" contributing greenhouse effect. Acid rain damages forest, agriculture fields and flora, and cause public health concerns in regions having a number of industrial plants. Today, many countries have started to impose industrial emission limits and this movement has generated renewed interest in finding viable and cost effective solutions to SO2 and NOx pollution control. The conventional technologies, wet scrubbing de-SO2 and de-NOx, now reached their full potential therefore these methods are not expected to provide further improvements in terms of efficiency or reduction in construction costs. However, new technologies are being investigated for industrial scale commercial viability. One of them is electron beam process, which is dry scrubbing process and simultaneously removes SO2 and NOx, and useful by-product for agriculture fertilizer. In this study, the economical and technical aspects of electron beam flue gas treatment process are discussed. Because an electron accelerator facility with electron beam energy of 500 KeV and electron beam current of 20 mA will be installed at ANRTC in TURKEY.
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    TAC proposal for fundamental and applied research
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Çiftçi, A. K.; Sultansoy, Saleh; Yavaş, Ö.; Yılmaz, M.; Bölüm Yok
    Main parameters of linac-ring type ϕ factory and 1÷5 GeV energy proton synchrotron proposed in the framework of the Turkic Accelerator Complex (TAC) Project are discussed. Linac-ring type ϕ factory. Two sets of parameters, corresponding to E=130 (260) MeV for electron linac and E=1000 (2000) MeV for positron ring, are considered. It is shown that L=1034cm-2s-1 can be achieved, which is much higher than the design luminosity of the DAϕNE (Frascati, Italy). Therefore, a number of fundamental problems of particle physics such as CP violation, rare decays of K-mesons et cetera can be investigated with highest statistics. Moreover, asymmetry of kinematics can be advantageous for measuring neutral K-meson’s oscillations and CP violation parameters. Parameters of the FEL (Free Electron Laser) based on electron linac and synchrotron radiation sources based on the positron ring are estimated. These beamlines will give opportunity for a wide spectrum of applied research, which include molecular biology, material science, medicine et cetera. Proton synchrotron. This part consists of 100÷300 MeV energy linear pre-accelerator and 1÷5 GeV main ring. Proton beams from two different points of the synchrotron will be forwarded to neutron and muon regions, where a wide spectrum of applied research is planned. In muon region, together with fundamental investigations such as test of QED and muoniumantimuonium oscillations, a lot of applied investigations such as High-Tc superconductivity, phase transitions, impurities in semiconductors et cetera will be performed using the powerful Muon Spin Resonance (µSR) method. In neutron region investigations in different fields of applied physics, engineering, molecular biology and fundamental physics are planned. In addition, some principal aspects of recently proposed new type nuclear reactors with Thorium fuel could be studied.
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    Synthesis and application of n-vinyl 2-pyrrolidone based hydrogels containing mono-, DI- and tri-protic acid moieties
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kantoğlu, Ömer; Şen, Murat; Çaykara, Tuncer; Güven, Olgun; TAEK-ANTHAM
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    Structure of one nucleon halo light mirror nuclei 11Be and 11N
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kim, G.; Khaydarov, R. R.; Bölüm Yok
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    Stability of iodine content in iodized salt
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Biber, F. Zümrüt; Ünak, Perihan; Yurt, Fatma; 34687; Bölüm Yok
    Stabilization of iodine in salt have been determined by using Isotope Dilution Analysis. Heating, heating with oxidizing agent, incubation by time was the parameters which have been tried. Over 80% of iodide were lost during the treatment with oxidizing agent in heat. In the case of heating without an oxidation agent, loss of iodine was fewer.
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    Solution of lippman-schwinger equation for diffraction interaction of charge hadrons
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Ismatov, Ye. I.; Khugaev, A. V.; Paluanov, B. K.; Fazilova, Z. F.; Bölüm Yok
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    Separation of rare earth elements by DI(2-Ethylhexyl)orthophosphoric acid in the presence of Fe(III)
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Khujaev, S.; Nushtaeva, L. B.; Bölüm Yok
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    Radiation stability of biodegradable lactic acid polymers
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kantoğlu, Ömer; Özbey, Turan; Güven, Olgun; TAEK-ANTHAM
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    Pulsed ion beam synthesis of β-FeSi2 layers on Si implanted with Fe+
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Batalov, R. J.; Bavazitov, R. M.; Khaibullin, I. B.; Bölüm Yok
    Formation of (3-FeSi2 layers on Si was performed by high-dose Fe+ implantation into Si (100) at 300 K followed by pulsed ion beam treatment (PIBT) of nanosecond duration on implanted layers. It is shown that PIBT leads to the formation of a mixture of two phases (FeSi and β- FeSi2) with a strained state of the silicide crystal lattice. Subsequent short-time thermal annealing at 800°C for 20 min results in the decrease of lattice strains and in the complete transformation of the FeSi phase into the β-FeSi2 phase with the production of a highly textured layer with [110] orientation. The results of the optical absorption measurements indicate the formation of a direct band gap structure with the optical gap Eg~0.83 eV.
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    Pulse shape analyzer/timing-SCA application to beta measurement
    (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Selvi, S.; Çeliktaş, C.; Bölüm Yok