The singular eigenfunction method: the milne problem for isotropic and extremely anisotropic scattering
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Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
In the CN method of solving the third form of the transport equation, the medium as a result of
Placzek lemma is extend to infinity. Infinite medium Green function which is obtained by the
Fourier transform technique is used and the method is applied to one velocity problems in plane
and cylindrical geometries. As the result of physical applications of the CN method in different
geometries, it is seen that the only difficulty lies in writting the expression of the Green’s
function in a form easy to handle. In the new method of solving of the third form of the
transport equation (that we have generated recently), three methods, namely, CN, FN and the
method of elementary solutions are considered, compared and the Green function in terms of the
singular eigenfunctions is used. This method yields simple analytical expressions that can be
solved numerically more efficiently than the CN method because the expression of the Green
function is in the form easy to handle. Here this new method is applied to calculate the
extrapolation length for the Milne problem which is classical problem in astrophysics concerned
with the diffusion of radiation through a stellar atmosphere for both isotropic and extremely
anisotropic scatterings. It is shown that the numerical results which are tabulated for selected
cases are accurate even in the approximations of the lowest order and are in good agreement
with the numerical results obtained by the other methods.
I. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : 23-27 Ekim 2000. İzmir, Türkiye.
Singular eigenfunction method, Tekil özfonksiyon yöntemi, Milne problem, Mil problemi, Isotropic and extremely anisotropic scattering, İzotropik ve aşırı anizotropik saçılma
Kaşkaş, A. ... [ve arkadaşları]., (2000). The singular eigenfunction method: the milne problem for isotropic and extremely anisotropic scattering. I. Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Application, Presentations, Vol 2, (s. 1137-1143). 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey.