Measurement of enhanced radium isotopes in oil production wastes in Turkey

Gamma dose rates of oil production equipment and wastes were measured externally by survey meter. They were found to be between 0.2 μSv h−1 and 25.7 μSv h−1. Activity concentrations of radium isotopes in crude oil, scale, sludge, contaminated soil and water samples were determined by gamma spectrometric method. Activity concentrations of 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra in samples varied from MDA to 132,000 Bq kg−1. Radium isotopes enriched up to 14,667 times in scale samples. The highest value of 226Ra was found to be 35,122 ± 1,983 Bq kg−1 for sludge samples. Activity concentrations of a considerable number of samples were found to be higher than the exemption level recommended by IAEA. Measurement results revealed that oil production wastes caused soil contamination up to 70,483 Bq kg−1. They may pose a radiological risk for workers and members of the public.
Measurement of radium isotopes, Radyum izotoplarının ölçümü, Oil production wastes - Turkey, Petrol üretim atıkları - Türkiye
Parmaksız, A. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2015). Measurement of enhanced radium isotopes in oil production wastes in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 141, 82-89.