Nükleer teknikle patateste mutasyon ıslahı
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Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu
Patates üretim ve beslenmedeki yeri bakımından tahıllardan sonra en fazla yetiştirilen ürünlerden birisidir. Günümüzde patates yumrularının hem taze besin olarak hem endüstride cipslik ve parmak patates olarak değerlendirilmesi, nişasta yapımı, alkol elde edilmesi, hayvan yemi olarak kullanılması nedenleri ile kullanımı her gün artmaktadır. Dünyada en fazla patates üretimi yapan ülke Çin’dir. Türkiye de ise 20007 yılı
rakamlarına göre 4280 milyon ton patates üretimi yapılmaktadır [4]. Patates yumrulu bitkiler grubundadır, ülkemizin her yerinde patates tarımı yapılmasına rağmen en fazla Orta Anadolu’da bu bölgede de Niğde ve Nevşehir illerinde üretim yapılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yapılan patates yetiştiriciliğinin % 43,2’Sİ belirtilen illerde yapılmaktadır. Yurdumuzda 2007 yılı rakamlarına göre 158.500 Ha alanda [4] patates tarımıyapılmaktadır. Patates tarımında en büyük girdi tohumluktur. Çünkü patates vegetatif olarak yumru ile çoğaltılmaktadır. Kullanılan tohumluk miktarı amaca, ekolojik koşullara, çeşide bağlı olmakla beraber dekara 250-300 kg civarındadır.
Ülkemizde 1972 yılından beri patates tescil çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. 2007 yılına kadar 68 çeşit tescil edilmiş ancak bunlardan 2 si dışında (Pasinler, Nif) hepsi yurtdışından tescilli çeşitler getirilerek adaptasyon denemeleri ile tescil edilmiştir [3]. Türkiye de geliştirilen Pasinler ve Nif çeşitleri tohumluk programında yer almamaktadır [2]. Patates tohumluğunda yerli çeşidimiz yoktur. Patates tohumluğunda çeşitler bazında % 100 dışa bağımlı hale gelinmiştir.Bu amaçla ülkemiz şartlarına uygun adaptasyon kabiliyeti yüksek, verimli, hastalık, zararlılara ve depolamaya dayanıklı olgunlaşma dönemi farklı kuru madde, nişasta miktarı yüksek dolayisi ile sanayide kullanılabilecek, tüketici tercihine uygun mutant çeşitler geliştirerek çiftçinin hizmetine sunulması amaçlanmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada başlangıç materyali olarak kullanılan ülkemizde uzun yıllardan beri geniş alanlarda yetiştiriciliği yapılan Marfona patates çeşidi 1991 yılında ülkemizde tescil edilmiş orta erkenci olum grubunda, açık sarı et ve kabuk rengine sahip beyaz çiçekli, iri yumrulu bir çeşittir. Virus hastalıklarına oldukça dayanıklı (A,X,Y viruslarina dayanıklı) PLRV virusuna dayanıksız yalnızca yemeklik olarak kullanılabilen nişasta ve kuru maddesi düşük bir çeşittir.
Projenin Tarim ve KOyişleri Bakanlığı Niğde Patates Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü ile ortaklaşa yürütülmesi 2004yılında kabul edildi. 2002-2004 yılları arasında Marfona patates çeşidinde doz belirleme çalışmaları tamamlandı. Yumruda doz belirleme çalışması İçin 12 Mart 2004 tarihinde NPAE Müdürlüğünden temin edilen sertifikalı kademedeki Marfona patates çeşidi yumruları Kobalt 60 kaynağında (6.Co) 15,30,40,50,70,100 Gy ışınlanarak serada 3 tekerrürlü saksı denemesi kuruldu. Denemede % çıkış miktarı, çıkış gün sayısı, ana dal sayısı ve uzunluğu ile yan dal sayısı ve uzunluğu ölçümleri yapılarak istatistiki olarak değerlendirildi.
Potato breeding is one of the most frequent cases in terms of production and growing distinct after cultivation of cereals. The utilization of potato increases everyday since the nodes of potato are available for using fresh food and also chipping, producing starch, alcohol as well as animal feed. At the present day, potatoes are more significant as a result of uses of them. The most productive country in potato is China. According to data 2007, Turkey produces 4280 million ton potatoes every year. [4]. Potato is in the group of nodule plants. Even though potato production is frequent every place in Turkey, the most productive place is Central part of Turkey especially Niğde and Nevşehir. 43.2% of production is obtained in these cities. According to 2007 data, potato production area 158.500 ha in Turkey. [4]. The most significant input is seed for potato since potatoes are reproduced by nodes as being vegetative. Even though amount of used seed is predicated on aim, ecologic circumstances, breed, is 200-300 kg/da. Seed registration certification system have been started since 1972in potato. Until 2007,68 variety breed were registered but all of them except [3]. Pasinler and Nif are brought from abroad. "Pasinler" and "Nif” which are cultivated in Turkey does not hold a place among seed program. [2]. There is no domestic breed in potato-seed. Turkey is 100 % dependent to abroad in potato-seed. For that reason, mutant diversities, which are highly acclimatized to adapt, fertile, substantial against diseases, pests and substantial for storage, are aimed to grow to provide them for farmers. These diversities also must have different elaboration periods and highly weedy starch to being useful for industries. In this study, we used Marfona potato variety which has been grown in large areas for a long time in Turkey. Marfona potato which is registered in 1991 in our country is in middle-early maturity growing group, also it has light yellow as well as peel with its white bloom and big node. Marfona which is highly substantial against virus diseases (substantial against A, X, Y viruses), not substantial against PLRV virus has only low node amount. Conducting a project collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Niğde Patato Research Institute (NPAEM) was accepted in 2004. Dose determination studies were accomplished for Marfona between 2002 and 2004. For dose determination studies on nodes, 3 repetitious experiments were established through radiating the nodes of Marfona, which are taken from NPAEM, 15, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100 Gy in Cobalt 60. After these experiments, germination ratio, number of days for germination, length of main stem, number of main stem, lateral stem and length of lateral stem was evaluated by making their measurements.
Potato breeding is one of the most frequent cases in terms of production and growing distinct after cultivation of cereals. The utilization of potato increases everyday since the nodes of potato are available for using fresh food and also chipping, producing starch, alcohol as well as animal feed. At the present day, potatoes are more significant as a result of uses of them. The most productive country in potato is China. According to data 2007, Turkey produces 4280 million ton potatoes every year. [4]. Potato is in the group of nodule plants. Even though potato production is frequent every place in Turkey, the most productive place is Central part of Turkey especially Niğde and Nevşehir. 43.2% of production is obtained in these cities. According to 2007 data, potato production area 158.500 ha in Turkey. [4]. The most significant input is seed for potato since potatoes are reproduced by nodes as being vegetative. Even though amount of used seed is predicated on aim, ecologic circumstances, breed, is 200-300 kg/da. Seed registration certification system have been started since 1972in potato. Until 2007,68 variety breed were registered but all of them except [3]. Pasinler and Nif are brought from abroad. "Pasinler" and "Nif” which are cultivated in Turkey does not hold a place among seed program. [2]. There is no domestic breed in potato-seed. Turkey is 100 % dependent to abroad in potato-seed. For that reason, mutant diversities, which are highly acclimatized to adapt, fertile, substantial against diseases, pests and substantial for storage, are aimed to grow to provide them for farmers. These diversities also must have different elaboration periods and highly weedy starch to being useful for industries. In this study, we used Marfona potato variety which has been grown in large areas for a long time in Turkey. Marfona potato which is registered in 1991 in our country is in middle-early maturity growing group, also it has light yellow as well as peel with its white bloom and big node. Marfona which is highly substantial against virus diseases (substantial against A, X, Y viruses), not substantial against PLRV virus has only low node amount. Conducting a project collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Niğde Patato Research Institute (NPAEM) was accepted in 2004. Dose determination studies were accomplished for Marfona between 2002 and 2004. For dose determination studies on nodes, 3 repetitious experiments were established through radiating the nodes of Marfona, which are taken from NPAEM, 15, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100 Gy in Cobalt 60. After these experiments, germination ratio, number of days for germination, length of main stem, number of main stem, lateral stem and length of lateral stem was evaluated by making their measurements.
TENMAK D.N.. 9467
Mutation (Biology), Mutasyon (Biyoloji), Plants, Bitkiler, Potato, Patates
Şekerci, S. ... [ve arkadaşları]. (2010). Nükleer teknikle patateste mutasyon ıslahı. Ankara : Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu.