Achieving superior strength and ductility in oxide dispersion strengthened IN625 alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion

In this study, a new grade of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Inconel 625 (IN625) alloy having the composition of 0.3 wt% Y2O3 – 0.4 wt% Hf – IN625 has been developed and produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Production parameters have been determined for standard and ODS IN625 alloys to yield >99.9% densification. Microstructural analyses reveal similar texture along <001> while a larger but homogenous strain distribution exist in ODS IN625. Nano-particles are determined to be mostly Y-Hf-O and Y2O3 with an average size of ~30 ± 18 nm and 2.2 ± 1.1x1013 m-2 areal fraction. Tensile tests at room temperature (RT) and 700 °C demonstrate superior mechanical properties of ODS-IN625, particularly at elevated temperatures. While the yield strengths of standard and ODS IN625 alloys are similar (~680 MPa), ductility of ODS IN625 is slightly larger at RT. However, the yield strength of ODS-IN625 increased by 7.4%, reaching ~580 MPa, compared to the standard IN625, which has a yield strength of ~540 MPa at 700 °C. More notably, the ductility of ODS IN625 shows a remarkable improvement, increasing from ~12% in the standard IN625 to ~22%, representing an increase of more than 80%. Detailed microstructural analyses on the fracture surfaces of the ODS IN625 alloys exhibit submicron dimples, as well as an extensive amount of dislocation loops, Lomer-Cortrel (L-C) locks, and stacking fault tetrahedra. Nano-oxides were determined to be responsible for the dislocation wall structure and dislocation distribution which in turn improves the mechanical properties. This study sheds light on tailoring the strength-ductility balance in IN625 alloys by introducing the nano-oxide particles and perceiving the mechanism of this improvement.
Inconel 625, Additive manufacturing, Oxide dispersion strengthening, Mechanical properties, Transmission electron microscopy