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Item Influence of calcination conditions on deep eutectic solvents (DES) leaching efficiency of light rare earth elements in bastnasite ore(ELSEVIER, 2024-11-02) Kaplan, S. Samet; Kurtulan, Cisem Celik; Gurmen, Sebahattin; Orhan, Gokhan; Sonmez, Mehmet SerefIn this century, our daily life is surrounded by technological devices, and Rare Earth Elements (REE) are at the heart of this technological revolution. They are always listed having the highest supply risk in critical minerals published by different countries. From that point of view, their extraction, and creating a secured supply chain is always crucial. In this research, the influence of calcination conditions on REE extraction from bastnasite ore was studied. Identical leaching in Ethylene Glycol (EG)-FeCl3 media which is one of the Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) was applied to different calcines to understand calcination parameters on leaching efficiency. After conducting experiments created by Box-Behnken approach with different parameters of temperature, duration, and particles size, the highest Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) extraction efficiency of 67.22 wt% was achieved at 900◦ C. However, while conducting control experiments, the highest extraction efficiency was found to be 75.986 wt% as a median of the experiments conducted at 500 ◦C during 180 min, and with particles finer than 25 µm. This efficiency increase with decreasing temperature is explained by Ce phase transformation from Ce2O3 to CeO2 as proved by XRD analysis. In addition to temperature, particle size was also found highly effective in extraction efficiency especially in Ce extraction. At the experiments conducted at 900 ◦C, and 270 min but with particles at different size ranges, Ce extraction dramatically dropped from 71.061 wt% to 9.587 wt% at the experiment conducted with finer particles. This lose in efficiency is directly correlated to increasing Ce phase transformation rate due to increasing surface area of fine particles. Non-calcined ore was also leached with DES, and only 10.977 wt% LREE could be extracted. Furthermore, it is concluded that calcination is of vital importance to transform the ore into a soluble form, and temperature, and particle size ranges are found to be two fundamental parameters for tuning the extraction efficiency.Item Callus and suspension culture techniques optimized for use in carrot breeding studies (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens alef and D. carota)(TAGEM, 2023-02-02) Büyükdinç Turan, Damla; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Karataş, Arzu; Ellialtıoğlu, ŞebnemIn this study, studies were conducted to optimize callus and suspension culture methods for in vitro mutation breeding in purple and orange carrots. Following this, the developed mutant lines were subjected to in vitro salt stress selection. The study determined the optimal agar dose. The first germination, 50% germination, rootcotyledon formation and genuine leaf formation in carrot seedlings were analyzed daily in the study, which was continued with the determined 7g/L agar dose. The cotyledon and hypocotyl explants from the seedlings were cultivated for callus production in mixtures of MS-1, MS-2 and MS-3 nutritional medium. In the second and fourth weeks following the second subculture, callus production percentages and weights were measured. The MS-3 (1 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.5 mg/L kinetin) nutritional medium and hypocotyl explant were found to be particularly effective at producing callus. The second subculture's data on the number of plants that had successfully regenerated per callus, showed that the MS nutritional medium with 0.2 mg/L Thidiazuron (TDZ) was the best medium for plant regeneration. The dispersed calli were grown in a nutritional medium designed for suspension culture in a nutrient medium mixture comprising MS+0.1 mg/L kinetin. The results obtained with the optimization steps were used in the ongoing study.Item Marulda (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) Mutasyon Islahı Yönteminin Morfolojik Etkileri(TAGEM, 2024-01-15) Kökpınar Sarıçam, Şule; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, ŞebnemLactuca sativa (marul ve salatalar), yapraklı sebzeler grubunda yer alan en önemli ürünlerden biridir. Genel olarak marul, yaprak salata (kıvırcık) ve baş salata (aysberg) olarak gruplandırılan bu türün şekil, büyüklük ve renk bakımından oldukça farklı çeşitleri bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada; marulda (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) mutasyon ıslahı yoluyla agronomik ve kalite özellikleri bakımından farklı yeni genotipler ortaya çıkarmak, bu bireylerin gen havuzunda varyasyon kaynağı olarak yer almasını sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, 2018 yılında, ‘Cervantes’ ve ‘Escule’ ticari marul çeşitlerinin tohumlarına Co⁶⁰ ışın kaynağı kullanılarak 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ve 600 Gy’lik dozlarda gama ışını uygulanmış, Etkili Mutasyon Dozu (EMD50) 254.45 Gy olarak belirlenmiştir. Kontrol ve M₄ seviyesinde seçilmiş 36 adet mutant hatta marul başlarının boyu, çapı, ağırlığı, yaprak rengi incelenmiştir. Baş boyu 23.09-32.69 cm, baş çapı 11.40-14.28 cm, baş ağırlığı 390.03-986.07 g arasında değişim göstermiştir. Renk bakımından hatların L* değerinin 36.72-57.12, a* değerinin -18.23, -9.90, b* değerinin de 12.60-37.47 aralıklarında olduğu saptanmıştır. Morfolojik özellikler bakımından üstün özellik gösteren 62, 66, 71, 72, 74, 77, 84, 100 hatlar mutant çeşit adayı olarak belirlenmiştir.Item Mutasyon ıslahı yöntemiyle ülkemize ait ilk yerli kasımpatı çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi(Düzce Üniversitesi Süs ve Tıbbi Bitkiler Botanik Bahçesi Dergisi, 2024-04-22) Haspolat Gülden; Kunter, Burak; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Şenel, Ümran; Özzambak, Ercan MustafaBu çalışmanın amacı ticari açıdan önemi olan kasımpatı bitkisinde kesme çiçek, dış mekân ve saksı çiçeği olarak kullanılabilecek yeni çeşitler veya çeşit adayları geliştirmektir. Ülkemiz süs bitkileri sektöründe materyal temininde söz konusu olan dışa bağımlılığı aza indirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kasımpatıda yeni renk ve şekil değişimleriyle ortaya çıkacak yerli çeşitler elde etmeye yönelik ıslah çalışmaları planlanmıştır. Kesme kasımpatı çeşidi 'Bacardi', materyal olarak kullanılmış ve boğum eksplantları in vitro kültüre alınmıştır. In vitro eksplantlar, etkili mutajen dozunu (EMD) belirlemek amacıyla; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ve 30 Gy (Gray) dozlarında gama ışını ile ışınlanmıştır. Işınlamadan sonra rejenerasyonun 60. gününde sürgün ve kök ölçümleri yapılarak EMD 20 Gy olarak belirlenmiştir. EMD’si belirlenen eksplantlar, 20 Gy ile yeniden ışınlanmıştır. M1V4 dönemine kadar in vitro alt kültürlere devam edilmiş ve bu dönemde farklı çiçek yapıları, çiçeklenme zamanı, bitki boyuna göre farklılaşma, bitkideki çiçek sayısı ve dilsi çiçek farklılaşmaları gözlemlenmiştir. Dilsi çiçeklerde, renk değişimleri pembe ve sarı tonları olarak belirlenmiştir. Seçilen olumlu mutantların oranı % 0,9 olarak hesaplanmıştır.Item Achieving superior strength and ductility in oxide dispersion strengthened IN625 alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion(ELSEVIER, 2024-12-19) Demirci, Kadir Tuğrul; Özalp, Ali; Güner Gürbüz, Selen Nimet; Bükülmez, İlhan; Aksu, Erhan; Aydoğan, EdaIn this study, a new grade of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Inconel 625 (IN625) alloy having the composition of 0.3 wt% Y2O3 – 0.4 wt% Hf – IN625 has been developed and produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Production parameters have been determined for standard and ODS IN625 alloys to yield >99.9% densification. Microstructural analyses reveal similar texture along <001> while a larger but homogenous strain distribution exist in ODS IN625. Nano-particles are determined to be mostly Y-Hf-O and Y2O3 with an average size of ~30 ± 18 nm and 2.2 ± 1.1x1013 m-2 areal fraction. Tensile tests at room temperature (RT) and 700 °C demonstrate superior mechanical properties of ODS-IN625, particularly at elevated temperatures. While the yield strengths of standard and ODS IN625 alloys are similar (~680 MPa), ductility of ODS IN625 is slightly larger at RT. However, the yield strength of ODS-IN625 increased by 7.4%, reaching ~580 MPa, compared to the standard IN625, which has a yield strength of ~540 MPa at 700 °C. More notably, the ductility of ODS IN625 shows a remarkable improvement, increasing from ~12% in the standard IN625 to ~22%, representing an increase of more than 80%. Detailed microstructural analyses on the fracture surfaces of the ODS IN625 alloys exhibit submicron dimples, as well as an extensive amount of dislocation loops, Lomer-Cortrel (L-C) locks, and stacking fault tetrahedra. Nano-oxides were determined to be responsible for the dislocation wall structure and dislocation distribution which in turn improves the mechanical properties. This study sheds light on tailoring the strength-ductility balance in IN625 alloys by introducing the nano-oxide particles and perceiving the mechanism of this improvement.Item Assesment of Cyclotron Produced 64Cu Radionuclide with Monte Carlo Simulations(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-05-15) Yıldırım, Aydın; Boztosun, İsmailPhysical yields and activities of theranostic radioisotope 64Cu were calculated via Monte Carlo simulations. Geant4 simulation toolkit is employed for the Monte Carlo calculations. The study is based on proton irradiation of solid targets at cyclotron facilities. Two types of target material were investigated: Nickel and Zinc. Also, two different target thickness and two beam angles were assessed in order to see the change of yields and activities. The optimum results were achieved at 150 μm thickness, 24 MeV beam energy and 5◦ beam angle for the nickel target, and 150 μm thickness, 30 MeV beam energy and 5◦ beam angle for the zinc target.Item Enhanced Alpha Decay Half-Life Determination in Super-Heavy Nuclei Using a New Potential(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-07-05) Yıldırım, Aydın; Boztosun, İsmail; Küçük, Yasemin; Gusseinova, Diana; Alimov, Dilshod; Bakirov, MardanThis paper systematically investigates alpha decay half-lives in the superheavy nuclei region (104 ⩽ Z ⩽ 118), focusing on ground-state to groundstate transitions. It aims to enhance the accuracy of alpha decay half-life calculations by introducing a modi ed nuclear potential that includes surface deformation. Advanced techniques such as Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions and Langer modi cations are used to develop an e ective potential for the interaction between the daughter nucleus and the alpha particle. The Woods-Saxon potential, modi ed with a Gaussian term to account for surface deformation, is employed in numerical calculations of alpha decay half-lives. These calculated half-lives are compared with experimental data and the previous studies, showing signi cantly improved agreement. The modi ed potential o ers greater precision in modeling the alpha decay process, particularly for even-even super-heavy nuclei. This research introduces a novel approach to alpha decay studies, enhancing accuracy and applicability. The modi ed nuclear potential with surface deformation proves to be a valuable tool in nuclear physics, providing more reliable alpha decay half-life estimates. The implications of this work extend to the creation of new super- heavy nuclei and astrophysical processes. Further research can build upon these ndings to explore a broader range of nuclear systems and advance our understanding of nuclear physics.Item Kalanşoda (Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Poelnn.) In Vitro Mutasyon Islahı(D.Ü Ormancılık Dergisi, 2024-12-28) Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Sarıtoprak, Okan; Çağdaş Akyüz, Ebru; Okutan, Evrim; Aktaş, Hakan; Ellialtıoğlu, ŞebnemKalanşo (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelnn.) son yıllarda iç mekân süs bitkisi olarak kullanımının yanında dış mekân ve kesme çiçek olarak da değerlendirmek üzere üzerinde ıslah çalışmaları yapılan katma değeri yüksek olan bir bitki türüdür. Bu nedenle ıslah çalışmaları her geçen gün yeni kalanşo çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi için yoğunlaşmaktadır. Farklı ıslah yöntemleri uygulamada kullanılmakla birlikte, mutasyon ıslahına da yatkın olan bu türde yeni varyasyonların oluşturulabilmesi için in vivo ve in vitro mutasyon ıslahı çalışmaları değer arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, fiziksel mutagen olan kobalt 60 (Co60) kaynaklı gama ışını kullanılarak in vitro mutasyon ıslahı ile yeni çeşit adaylarının geliştirilmesi ve ıslah sürecinin in vitro tekniklerden yararlanılarak kısaltılması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda 119 Gy’lik ışınlama dozu ticari kalanşo çeşidi için etkili mutasyon dozu (EMD50) olarak belirlenmiştir. EMD50 ile bu dozun %10 alt ve üst sınırlarındaki dozlarda in vitro sürgün kültürleri ışınlanarak ana mutant populasyon oluşturulmuştur. M1V4 aşamasında dış koşullara aktarılan 296 adet mutant klonlarda bitki ve çiçek gözlemi yapılarak ön seleksiyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna göre %28.38 oranında farklılık gösteren 70 adet klon belirlenmiştir.Item Çin Karanfili (Dianthus chinensis L.) İçin Mutasyon Islahı Çalışmasına Yönelik Etkili Mutasyon Dozun Belirlenmesi(D.Ü Ormancılık Dergisi, 2024-12-28) Çakın, Irmak; Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Kunter, Burak; Göktuğ, AslıhanKaranfil süs bitkileri içinde mutasyon ıslahına en yatkın olan türlerden bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmada ticari öneme sahip Çin karanfili çeşidinde (Dianthus chinensis L.) yeni çeşit geliştirilmesine yönelik olarak yürütülmesi planlanan mutasyon ıslahı çalışması için çeşide özgü etkili mutasyon dozunun belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Etkili Mutasyon Dozunun (EMD50) belirlenmesinde fiziksel mutagen olarak (Sezyum 137) Cs137 gamma kaynağı kullanılmıştır. Karanfil tohumlarına 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ve 600 Gy olmak üzere yedi farklı dozda ışınlama yapılmıştır. Her doz için otuz adet tohum ekilmiş olup, bu tohumların ışınlamadan 30 gün sonraki bitki gelişimleri gözlenmiştir. Işınlamanın ardından otuzuncu günde elde edilen bitkilerde sürgün gelişimine yönelik ölçümler alınmıştır. Bu ölçümlerden elde edilen ortalama veriler ile lineer regresyon analizi gerçekleştirilerek EMD50 belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuncunda 172.16 Gy’lik doz EMD50 değeri olarak tespit edilmiştir.Item Ray-Floret Based Rapid Propagation and Detection of Somatic Variation in Selected Mutant Chrysanthemum Individuals(Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2024-12-31) Kantoğlu Kadriye Yaprak; Kunter, Burak; Şenel, Ümran; Haspolat, GüldenChrysanthemum (Dendranthema × grandiflora Tzvelev) is an attractive plant species that responds well to mutation breeding research conducted worldwide. The isolation and propagation of mutant individuals are very important for detecting mutations in in vitro cultures. Using in vitro cultures, it is easy to isolate solid mutants. In this study, the homogeneous reproductive capacity of selected mutant individuals after irradiation was examined using ray floret cultures at the M1V1 stage, based on various flower colors and architectures. The explant materials were obtained from selected mutant plants with yellow, dark red, orange, and spoon-shaped ray florets cultivated in full bloom. After the determination of an effective sterilization method, the ray florets were cultured in Murashige and Skoog's (MS) media, which contained 0.5 mg L-1 1- Naphthalaneacetic acid (NAA) and 2.0 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP). The average rate of plantlet regeneration varied depending on the genotype; mutants with yellow-colored flowers generated 0.6 plantlets per explant, those with orange-colored flowers (1.11), those with dark red-colored flowers (1.16), and those with spoon-shaped flowers (2.71). After plant regeneration, plantlets were cultured in a hormone-free MS nutrient medium to ensure full-rooted plant development. The findings of this study showed that in vitro ray floret culture could be used to swiftly and successfully carry out vegetative reproduction of pottype Brandevil mutants, which are more susceptible to in vivo cutting propagation than pot-type Chrysanthemum cultivars. In the propagating material, there were obtained four differently colored somaclonal plants, eleven partial somaclonal plants with incurved-type ray florets, eight somaclonal plants with spatulate-type florets, one somaclonal plant with semi-double-type flower heads, two somaclonal plants with pointed and reflexing ray florets.Item EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL ASSESSMENT OF SELECTED POLLUTANTS TREATED WITH GAMMA RADIATION AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-11-28) Genç, Ayşenur; Ergun, Ece; Fitoz, Alper; Kantoğlu, Ömer; İnce, Mahir; Acar, OrhanDegradation of ibuprofen, triclosan, diclofenac, and ketoprofen in real wastewater effluent by gamma radiation/hydrogen peroxide was investigated on the basis of removal efficiencies, G-values, and kinetics. Gamma irradiation was performed using a 60Co source irradiator in the presence of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The analyses of the pollutants were performed before and after irradiation treatment using a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) system. The addition of 0.5% hydrogen peroxide resulted in an enhanced removal efficiency of the target pollutants (93.92% for ibuprofen, 99.47% for triclosan, 86.65% for diclofenac, and 86.32% for ketoprofen) compared with the performance of the gamma irradiation process alone. The rate constants (k) of ibuprofen, triclosan, diclofenac, and ketoprofen increased by 1.42, 2.38, 1.38, and 3.37 times with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide addition, respectively. Moreover, the 90% decomposition of the target pollutants was achieved at lower doses in the gamma-ray/hydrogen peroxide system in comparison with the gamma treatment without hydrogen peroxide. Fukui functions and dual descriptor were calculated using density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the sensitivity of the target pollutants to hydroxyl radical attacks, to identify the initial reaction pathway, and to predict the degradation by-products. The findings were consistent with literature mechanisms and observed by-products.Item Measurement of Radon Concentration in Metro Stations of Istanbul, Türkiye(SSRN, 2024-10-24) Akkaş, Ayhan; Baş Mor, Hatice; Ataksor, Berna; Bingöldağ, Nesli; Duhan, Fatma; Köseoğlu, Şule; Altunbayrak, A.SibelThe main objective of this study was to determine the levels of radon concentrations in different metro lines in Istanbul. Measurements were conducted in underground stations of five distinct metro lines: M1A, M1B, M3, M4 and M6. Radon activity concentration (RAC) values were determined by means of measurements. The annual effective dose values were calculated for employees on the metro line and for passengers using these lines. The lowest radon concentration was found to be 15 Bq/m3, while the highest was 80 Bq/m3. It has been shown that the effective dose received by individuals from radon irradiation in underground stations does not appear to contribute significantly to the annual average effective dose. The city of Istanbul is characterised by a rugged topography, with some metro stations reaching depths of up to 40 metres below ground level. Despite this, the increasing depth of the metro stations did not result in a significant increase in radon concentration, due to the effectiveness of the ventilation systems.Item Radyonüklid Bakımından Zengin Plaj Kumlarının Mineralojik Bileşiminin Değerlendirilmesi, Geyikli-Çanakkale (Batı Anadolu) Assessment of mineralogical composition of the natural radionuclide rich beach sands in Geyikli, Çanakkale (Western Anatolia)(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Bülteni (Bulletin of the Earth Sciences Application and Research Centre of Hacettepe University, 0021-11-24) GÜLMEZ, FATMA; YILDIRIM, AYDIN; ŞİŞMAN TÜKEL, FATMA; ÜNAL ERCAN, HATİCE; ÖRGÜN TUTAY, YÜKSEL; KARACIK, ZEKİYEBu çalışma, Batı Anadolu'da Kestanbol plütonunu da bulunduran Miyosen yaşlı Ezine-Ayvacık magmatik kompleksinin kıyısı boyunca uzanan sahilde gözlenen radyonüklid bakımından zengin plaj kumlarının mineralojik bileşimini ele almaktadır. Sahil boyunca radyonüklitlerin plaj kumlarındaki dağılımı düzensizdir. Hantepe plajında en yüksek 238U ve 232Th serisi spesifik aktiviteleri gözlenirken, 40K spesifik aktivitesi orta düzeydedir. Buna karşılık, olasılıkla Kestanbol plütonundan türeyen malzemelerin ağırlıkta olduğu güneydeki plajlarda, Hantepe plajına kıyasla daha yüksek 40K ile daha düşük 238U ve 232Th serisi spesifik aktiviteleri gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında gama spektrometresi, tüm ve noktasal jeokimya analizleri kullanılmış, kum örneklerinin mineralojik bileşimi ve Kestanbol plütonuna ait felsik damar kayaçları ile nefelin monzogabro ve tefrifonolitik dayklar gibi farklı litolojilerinin radyonüklid konsantrasyonlarının değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, Hantepe plajındaki yüksek radyoaktivitenin kaynağının torit grubu mineraller olduğunu ve Kestanbol plütonunun pegmatitik damarlarının, bu minerallerin ana kayacı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, Miyosen magmatizmasının tüm ürünlerinin farklı seviyelerde radyoelement ve radyonüklid zenginleşmeleri sergilediği, diğer kayaç yapıcı ve aksesuar minerallerin de potansiyel olarak bölgedeki yüksek doğal arka plan radyasyonuna katkıda bulunduğu değerlendirilmiştir. This study investigates the mineralogical composition of radionuclide-rich beach sands along the coast of the Miocene Ezine-Ayvacık magmatic complex including Kestanbol pluton, in Western Anatolia. The distribution of the radionuclides shows variations along the coast with the highest recorded radioactivity at Hantepe Beach, where specific activities of the 238U-, and 232Th-series are significantly high, while 40K concentrations are moderate. In contrast, the southern beaches, dominated by material from the Kestanbol pluton, have higher 40K concentrations but lower 238U-, and 232Th-series specific activities than Hantepe beach. Using gamma spectrometry, bulk geochemical, and in-situ analyses, we provide a detailed assessment of the mineralogical composition of the sand samples and the primordial radionuclide concentrations of the different lithologies within the Kestanbol pluton, such as felsic veins, nepheline monzogabbro and tephriphonolitic dykes. We suggest that thorite group minerals control the high radioactivity at Hantepe beach, and pegmatitic veins of the Kestanbol pluton are the main source rock for thorite minerals. However, all the products of Miocene magmatism in the region exhibit elevated radioelement and radionuclide contents suggesting that other accessory and rock-forming minerals are the potential contributors to the high natural background radiation in the area.Item Boron Salicylate Ester Compounds as Boron Therapeutics. Their Synthesis, Structural Characterizations and Anticancer Effects Against MDA-MB-231(SPRINGER NATURE, 2024-10-03) Bolat, Melda; Köse, Dursun Ali; Akbaba, SemaThe element boron forms a wide range of borate minerals with different properties. Borate minerals make it possible to design boron-containing molecules with new biological properties in terms of their chemical structure and properties. It is known that boron compounds have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. This makes boron compounds important for the future development of boron chemotherapeutics, boron supplements and new drugs. Reliable scientific studies on boron compounds will facilitate the clear presentation of their functions in its biological applications and metabolism. In this study, boron monoester and boron diester structures were synthesized with salicylic acid ligand. To stabilize boron ester structures, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ cations were used as counter-ions. Structural properties of the synthesized substances, molecules obtained by crystallization/precipitation from aqueous solutions in solid state, elemental analysis, melting point determination, infrared spectroscopy analysis (FT-IR), thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), mass analysis (GC-MS) and single crystal analysis. Structural properties were tried to be explained by structure analysis (SC-XRD) methods. Additionally, the anticancer potential of boron salicylate esters against the MDA-MB-231 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line was examined. The K-B salicylate diester molecule was found to have the most potential potency with the lowest IC50 value against the MDA-MB-231 cell line. The anticancer potential of boron salicylate esters can be further investigated with other cancer models with the combination of anticancer drugs. It is also thought that the mechanism of action of these molecules may help reveal their further applications.Item Radiation Attenuation Properties of Transparent Aluminum Oxynitride: A Comprehensive Study(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-05-13) Yıldırım, AydınThe investigation of radiation-durable materials with outstanding gamma shielding capabilities and lead-free alternatives remains a compelling area of research. This study fills a critical gap by exploring, for the first time, the radiation attenuation properties of the novel material Aluminum Oxynitride (AlON) and its shielding mechanism. Utilizing the XCOM database and Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, we systematically examined AlON’s linear attenuation coefficient, mass attenuation coefficient, half-value layer, tenth-value layer, mean-free path, effective atomic number, and effective electron density. Comparing AlON to traditional shielding materials and glasses, including both lead-containing and lead-free compositions, our study suggests its superiority over concrete and lead-free glasses. At higher energies, AlON demonstrates comparability with leaddoped materials. These findings contribute valuable insights into the potential applications of AlON across diverse radiation shielding contexts. This research provides a foundational understanding of AlON’s radiation attenuation capabilities, paving the way for future exploration and practical applications in the field of gamma shielding.Item Exploring the Photoluminescence Origins of Natural Boron Mineral (Tincal) and Its Waste Byproducts(SSRN 4891422, 2024-07-10) Karacaoglu, Erkul; Yungevis, Hasan; Acikgoz, Sabriye; Gul, Mert; Ates, Esen Gul; Yildirim, CennetMany natural minerals can exhibit luminescence due to impurities and their crystal structures. Evaluating the waste generated from processing these materials presents significant research opportunities. This study explores tincal, a natural boron source, and its waste, discussing their structural and luminescence properties. Both the mineral and its waste show similar phases like dolomite and calcite. In terms of luminescence, both exhibit PL emission in the 500-650 nm range. Emphasis is placed on evaluating the waste, with heat treatment revealing notable changes. At temperatures exceeding 500°C, the waste transforms from dolomite to monticellite, causing a red-shift in PL emission to the 600-850 nm range. XPS analysis of untreated and heat-treated waste confirms elemental compositions, highlighting the influence of boron on structural changes during heat treatment, despite trace elements like Mn and Fe being undetected.Item Investigation of the Effects of Ion Sources and RF Power on the Neutron Production Rate at SNRTC-IEC Fusion Device(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-08-19) Bölükdemir, Arife Seda; Olgaç, Yeşim; Alaçakır, AliThe studies on inertial electrostatic confinement device are generally focused to increase the particle production. One way to achieve this is to increase the number of the ion source. In this study, D-D fusion reaction was carried out in the SNRTC-IEC fusion device (previously at TAEK, now re-established as TENMAK) at 85 kV cathode voltage and 5×10-4 mbar pressure, and the effect of ion sources and RF power on the neutron production rate was investigated. To ensure a high concentration of ions in the center of the cathode, three Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) deuterium ion sources were added to this device. As the number of ion sources increased from 1 to 3, the neutron production rate increased from 2.3 104 n/s to 3.6 105 n/s. Two ion source configurations were used to examine the effect of RF power. It was observed that when the RF power was increased from 40 W to 200 W the neutron production rate increased linearly from 4.6 104 n/s to 1.7 105 n/s.Item In-Situ Synthesis and In-Operando XPS Characterization of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles within Liquid Electrolytes(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK), 2024-07-16) Camci, Merve Taner; Oral, Pelin; Kutbay, Ezgi; Suzer, SefikMetal nanoparticles have several applications due to their unique properties that differ from bulk material. Due to their different chemical, physical and biological properties, NP’s used in optical sensors, diagnostics, electronics, health care, cosmetics, textile, pharmaceutical industry and cancer treatment, which makes synthesis of nanoparticles also important. In this project, Silver, Gold and Platinum NP’s were synthesized in situ electrochemically. Via XPS, NP’s can be determined by application of positive and negative voltages. In first experiment, for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles ionic liquid (DEME-TFSI), PEG and HAuCl4 salt mixture was used. Second experiment conducted via silver electrodes and ionic liquid DEME-TFSI for synthesis of silver NP’S. In third experiment, gold NPs were synthesized with PEG and HAuCl4 mixture. Another experiment done for synthesis of gold NPs with ionic liquid. DEME-TFSI + HAuCl4 mixture and UV-Visible Spectroscopy was used for characterization. In another experiment, for synthesis of Platinum NPs, Pt electrode, Pt wire and PEG was used. As a last experiment, silver NPs synthesized with Pt electrode, silver wire and PEG- HAuCl4 mixture. For characterization of NP’s, shifts under the applied voltage bias in C 1s and O1s, which correspond to PEG, F1 for IL and Pt 4f, Au 4f and Ag 3d binding energies that were obtained from XPS are compared. Similar shifts refers to being in the same medium, therefore when BE’s of metals shifts along with their medium (IL or PEG), it can be deduced that metal NP’s were produced within the existing liquid medium.Item FAST AND THERMAL NEUTRON REMOVAL CROSS-SECTION FOR CERAMIC GLASS ALUMINUM OXYNITRIDE(Dergipark, 2024-09-08) Yıldırım, AydınThis study investigates the effectiveness of transparent aluminum oxynitride (AlON) in neutron shielding, focusing on both fast and thermal neutrons. Using conventional radiation attenuation parameters, the macroscopic neutron removal cross-sections of AlON were calculated for varying neutron energies and material thicknesses. The Geant4 simulation toolkit was employed to model and analyze the neutron interactions with AlON. The results indicate that AlON exhibits a high neutron shielding capacity for fast neutrons (2 MeV), with transmission factor values ranging from 0.783 to 0.260 for material thicknesses between 1 and 10 cm. These values are nearly identical to those for water, which range from 0.782 to 0.257, highlighting AlON's comparable performance. However, for thermal neutrons, AlON's performance was less effective, only surpassing lead but not concrete or water. The findings suggest that while AlON is highly effective for fast neutron shielding, it may require complementary materials to adequately shield thermal neutrons. This could involve using AlON in combination with other materials to create a more comprehensive neutron shielding solution. AlON shows significant potential as a neutron shielding material, particularly for fast neutrons. Its integration with additional shielding materials could enhance its overall effectiveness, making it suitable for various nuclear and radiation protection applications.Item Çin Karanfili (Dianthus chinensis L.) İçin Mutasyon Islahı Çalışmasına Yönelik Etkili Mutasyon Dozun Belirlenmesi(Dergipark, 2024-10-14) Çakın, Irmak; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Kunter, Burak; Göktuğ, AslıhanKaranfil süs bitkileri içinde mutasyon ıslahına en yatkın olan türlerden bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmada ticari öneme sahip Çin karanfili çeşidinde (Dianthus chinensis L.) yeni çeşit geliştirilmesine yönelik olarak yürütülmesi planlanan mutasyon ıslahı çalışması için çeşide özgü etkili mutasyon dozunun belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Etkili mutasyon dozunun (EMD50) belirlenmesinde fiziksel mutagen olarak (Sezyum 137) Cs137 gamma kaynağı kullanılmıştır. Karanfil tohumlarına 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ve 600 Gy olmak üzere yedi farklı dozda ışınlama yapılmıştır. Her doz için otuz adet tohum ekilmiş olup, bu tohumların ışınlamadan 30 gün sonraki bitki gelişimleri gözlenmiştir. Işınlamadan ardından otuzuncu günde elde edilen bitkilerde sürgün gelişimine yönelik ölçümler alınmıştır. Bu ölçümlerden elde edilen ortalama veriler ile lineer regresyon analizi gerçekleştirilerek EMD50 belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuncunda 172.16 Gy’lik doz EMD50 değeri olarak tespit edilmiştir.
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