I. Eurasia conference on nuclear science and its application : presentations, 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey.
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1. Avrasya Nükleer Bilimler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı : bildiriler 23-27 Ekim 2000 İzmir Türkiye
Browsing I. Eurasia conference on nuclear science and its application : presentations, 23-27 October 2000. İzmir, Turkey. by Publisher "Turkish Atomic Energy Authority"
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Item 99Mo/99mTc generator and radiopharmaceuticals productions at Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Bodur, Nazan; Yıldız, Hülya; Ergün, Aysun; Bostan, Nilgün; Akşit, Makbule; Ayyıldız, Hayrettin; Saygı, Nur; Göçer, Beytullah; TAEK-ÇNAEMMolybdenum-99 is produced in large quantities as the parent radioisotope of " mTc, which has been used in nuclear medicine. The rapid growth of nuclear medical diagnosis with " mTc is due to completion of a system supplying radiopharmaceuticals labelled with a short lived radioisotope like " mTc, and the development of nuclear medical instruments like an Anger Camera and a single photon emission tomography (SPECT or ECT). The Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceutical Department (RIF) at Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center (ÇNAEM) has been active in production of " mTc and kits to be labelled to form radiopharmaceuticals. In generator produced eluates, the purity and chemical parameters must conform to special requirements. The requirements of European Pharmacopoeia for sodium pertechnetate " mTc injection are fulfdled when it is prepared in our department. Assurance of radiopharmaceutical quality control, which involve test of biolog ical purity and pyrogenity and sterility, is also performedItem A gamma spectrometric method for direct measurement of uranium contents in solid samples(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Yücel, Haluk; Ergin, İ.; Çetiner, M. Atıf; Demirel, Halil; Tan, M.; Özmen, Atilla; 3905; TAEK-ANAEMA gamma spectrometric method is described for the direct “absolute” determination of uranium contents in solid samples. To obtain the exact information about the measurement of 238U in samples by gamma-ray spectroscopy, it is essential that any one of the daughters of 238U should exist in radioactive equilibrium with 238U. This condition is mainly fulfilled by one of the first two daughters, namely, 234Th (24.1 d) and 234mPa (1.17 min) because these daughters are very short-lived compared with 238U. Therefore, the present analytical method employs direct determination of U via the 63.3 keV gamma emission from Th and via the 1001 keV gamma emission from 234mPa. The absolute photopeak efficiency data in the range of 40 keV to 2000 keV for the reverseelectrode Germanium(REGe) detector used is measured using a powder radioactive standard source. The certified uranium samples were prepared in thin thicknesses to minimize the selfabsorption of gamma rays. They are counted for the the time predetermined between 75,000 s and 125,000 s. The measured activities of 238U of the samples via the 63.3 keV (234Th ) and via the 1001 keV (234mPa) are corrected for self-absorption effects due to changes in composition of standard reference materials in a given sample-detector geometry. The self-absorption factors applied to the 46.5 keV(210Pb) peak and the 63.3 keV(234Th) peak results ranged from 10.5% to 33.1% and from 4.9% to 18.4%, respectively. For the 1001 keV(234mPa) gamma emission, the necessary self-absorption factors varied between 0.1% and 3.9%. The results obtained from the 46.5 keV of Pb being far distant member of U and those of the 63.3 keV from 234Th are used to check whether the equilibrium exist in the uranium samples. The results of U via the 63.3 keV peak of Th for the uranium standards agreed to within 0.1 to 6.9% with the certified values of 238U in the samples with uranium concentration ranging from 0.022±001 to 1.02±0.01 wt%. The results of 238U via the 1001 keV peak of 234mPa agreed well to within 0.01 to 4.7% with the certified activity values of 238U of the same samples. When the measurements of the uranium are carried out in a REGe detector system, the results indicate that the uranium concentrations in the samples can be determined to the average 7% error by using the 63.3 keV(234Th) gamma emission with appropriate corrections for self-absorption effects. The 1001 keV peak of 234mPa gives also accurate results for the determination of 238U in the same samples and the need for self absorption correction for the 1001 keV emission seems to be negligible, except in case of thicker samples than that of 1.5 cm thick.Item A new approach for the scattering of deformed light heavy-ions: a challenge to the standard approach(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Boztosun, İ.; 8985; Bölüm YokA new approach in the analyses of deformed light heavy-ion reactions has been introduced to explain the experimental data. This new coupled-channels based approach involves replacing the usual first derivative coupling potential by a new, second-derivative coupling potential. This paper first shows and discusses the limitation of the standard coupled-channels theory in the case where one of the nuclei in the reaction is strongly deformed. Then, this new approach is shown to improve consistently the agreement with the experimental data: the elastic and inelastic scattering as well as their 90" and 180" elastic and inelastic excitation functions.Item A review of the probabilistic safety asssessment application to the TR-2 research reactor(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Göktepe, B. Gül; Adalıoğlu, Ulvi; Anaç, Hakan; Sevdik, Bülent; Menteşoğlu, Selim; TAEK-ÇNAEMA review of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) to the TR-2 Research Reactor is presented. The level 1 PSA application involved: selection of accident initiators, mitigating functions and system definitions, event tree constructions and quantification, fault tree constructions and quantification, human reliability, component failure data base development, dependent failure analysis. Each of the steps of the analysis given above is reviewed briefly with highlights from the selected results. PSA application is found to be a practical tool for research reactor safety due to intense involvement of human interactions in an experimental facility. Insights gained from the application of PSA methodology to the TR-2 research reactor led to a significant safety review of the system.Item A science administrator’s view of the new economy(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Pak, Namık Kemal; 12932; Bölüm YokItem A statistical study of filtres used as shielding for PC monitors(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Tuğrul, A. Beril; Altınsoy, Nesrin; Ayaz, Birsen; 200243; Bölüm YokIn this paper it was aimed to obtain a radiological study about the attenuation of radiation of PC fdters which are produced by different companies. For this purpose different radiation sources were used for UV (ultraviolet) IR (infrared), visible light and X-ray radiation. For every type of radiation measurements, the most proper detector was selected. The radiation measurements were made with and without fdters and the measurements were taken for different distances. Measurements have bee observed for white & black and coloured monitors radiation levels for X-ray emission. All results were compared according to related regulations. Furthermore all data evaluated statistically in the point of view of public safety.Item A study on passive containment cooling condensers in SBWR(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kuran, Selim; Sökmen, Cemal Niyazi; Bölüm YokThe passive containment cooling condensers (PCCC) are the crucial part of several new reactor designs, like European Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) and the SBWR. In a hypothetical accident, the pressurised steam non-condensable mixture from drywell is condensed in PCCCs, and condensate is returned to reactor vessel while non-condensable is vented through wetwell. In this study, in order to examine the performance of PCCCs, condensation with presence of noncondensable is investigated. Condensation with different noncondensable types and conditions is studied on a PCCC model, which is developed by using RELAP5 Mod3.2 computer codeItem Accumulation rates and sediment deposition in the Gokova Bay in Aegean Sea(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Uğur Tanbay, Aysun; Yener, Güngör; Bölüm YokSediment accumulation rates were estimated from the vertical distribution of excess 210Pb in sediment cores collected at 3 stations in the Gokova Bay Aegean Sea by measuring the α emission of 210Po. The Turkish coastal zone of the Aegean Sea has been heavily industrialized in the last 20 years. “The sediment accumulation rates were calculated to vary from 0.21±0.01cm.y-1 (0.13±0.01 g.cm-2y-1) to 0.49±0,05 cm.y-1 (0.26±0.03 g.cm-2y-1). The unsupported 210Pb flux was calculated from the accumulated dry matter o f the examined slices and their unsupported 210Pb concentrations. The flux of unsupported 210Pb varies between 23 ± 4 and 47 ± 3 Bq.m-2y-1.Item Activity concentration of Ra-226 in agricultural soils(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Akyıl, Sema; Aytaş, Şule; Aslani, Mahmoud A. A.; Eral, Meral; Bölüm YokThe distribution of 226Ra in agricultural soils has been studied. Twenty four soil samples were collected to a depth of 20 cm from Aegean Region of Turkey. Activity concentrations of 226Ra in samples were determined by a radioanalytical method and measured by using an alpha scintillation detector. The radioanalytical method has been applied for the soil of 1 g to determine o f this radioisotope concentration. The both detection and chemical efficiencies were performed using standard radioactive solution of Ra-226. The recovery yield of radiochemically pure 226Ra was found to be 90%. The average concentration of 226Ra were 0.186 Bq/g and their distribution fitted a normal curve. The data obtained was evaluated to explain of 226Ra distribution in the agricultural area and compared with the other results in the literature.Item Adsorption behaviour of U(VI) on kaolinite(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Kilislioğlu, Ayben; Bilgin, Binay; 11945; Bölüm YokItem Adsorption kinetics of Sr ions on clay(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Bilgin, Binay; Keçeli, Gönül; Bölüm YokItem An analysis of elastic and inelastic channels of 3He ions and α -particles scatterings on 7Li, 9Be and 11B nuclei at the energies of (10-20) MeV/NUC(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Baktybayev, M. K.; Burtebayev, N.; Duysebayev, A.; Duysebayev, B. A.; Zhurynbayeva, G. S.; Sakuta, S. B.; Peterson, R. J.; Bölüm YokItem An analytical expression for electron-impact ionization cross section(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Cengiz, Ahmet; 157812; Bölüm YokThe total cross sections for the ionization of atoms and molecules electron impact have been proposed from close interactions using generalized oscillator strength. The proposed expression is in agreement with the experiments and the other theories.Item An ESR study on the detection of irradiated red lentil(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Ercan, İsmail; Eken, Mahmut; 6779; Bölüm YokThe purpose of this work is to investigate in detail detection of irradiated red lentil. In this way, red lentil powder was analysed by using Bruker EMX ESR spectrometer before and after irradiation between the doses 1-9 kGy at ambient conditions. It was observed that seeds of non-irradiated and irradiated red lentil have a signal having six lines due to Mn+2 content. However hull of the red lentil has a single line whose origin is still unknown. Besides, this signal has superposed with the radiation induced one. It was also found that the intensity of radiation induced signal was decreased logarithmically in time, and the change in the intensity was minimal at low doses.Item An investigation on radiopharmaceutical potantial of I-131 labeled sertraline(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Yurt, Fatma; Ünak, Perihan; Biber, F. Zümrüt; 10811; Bölüm YokSertraline [(IS- cis)- 4-( 3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-l,2,3,4 -tetrahydro - N-methyl-l-naphalenamine hydrochloride] is an antidepressant drug. It is presumed to be linked to its inhibition of central nervous system (CNS) neuronal uptake of serotonin (5-HT) receptors. Serotonin 5-HT1A receptors are prominently expressed in the CNS that binding sites are present various brain regions. The aim of this study is to label with 1-131 and investigate of its radiopharmaceutical potential. Sertraline was labeled with 1-131 by using iodogen method. Quality Controls were fixed by Radio-TLC and Electrophoresis Methods. Labeling yield was 85-90% and spesific activity was approximately 1.75 Ci/mmol. The purification of radioiodinated Sertraline was performed by Sep Pak C-18 plus and determined radiochemical purity over 99%. Biodistribution studies were carried out by male Albino Wistar rats. 1-131 labeled Sertraline was administered by intravenous injection into tail vein of the rats. The rats were sacrificed by ether narcotization at certain time intervals and the organs were removed. The whole brain was excised quickly and dissected into their regions. Their activities were counted by Cd(Te) detector equipped with RAD 501 Single Channel Analyzer Instrument. The percentage injected radioactivity per gram of tissue was calculated, and these data versus time curves were generated for organs and brain regions. Obtained results showed that 1-131 labeled Sertraline may be a promising radiopharmaceutical for investigation of serotonin 5-HT receptor functions of brain.Item Analysis of elastic and inelastic scattering of hadrons from 6Li nucleus at intermediate energies(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Ibraeva, E.T.; Zhusupov, M.A.; Sanphirova, A.V.; Bölüm YokItem Analysis of WWER-440 fuel performace with FRAPCON-3(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Çolak, Üner; Bölme, Anıl B.; Köse, Serhat; 169746; TAEK-NGDNuclear reactor fuel rods are essential nuclear components from the operational and safety points of view. Recent experience in nuclear industry is to increase fuel discharge bumup as much as possible. This, in turn, raise the question of fuel rod integrity and radioactivity release at extended bumup and especially during operational transients. At this point, cladding may be considered as the most vital and vulnerable component of the fuel road. Cladding behavior normally is deterioted as bumup increases and power history dependency is significant. In this study, steady-state and long term transient behavior of WWER-440 fuel elements is analyzed with FRAPCON-3 computer code. Operational parameters which are related with the overall reactor safety evaluated as a function of fuel bumup. Especially, the effect of power ramp on mechanical parameters and fission gas release analyzed and an assessment is made. Comparison is made for the parameters in cases of relatively fresh fuel and at extended bumup. Hence, the variation of fuel behavior for high bumup fuel is presented.Item Application of UPK-2-1 charged beam in fundamental research in radiation solid state physics and low energy nuclear physics(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Jazairov-Kakhramanov, V.; Bölüm YokItem Associative photoproduction of roper resonance with vector mesons(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Babacan, T.; Babacan, H.; Gökalp, A.; Yılmaz, O.; 8495; Bölüm YokWe examine the associative photoproduction of Roper resonance with vector mesons, γ +N—>N* ( 1440)+V. in the near threshold region by using the analogy with the processes of “elastic” vector meson photoproduction, γ +N—>N+V. Different production mechanisms are suggested. In addition to standart α- and π-exchanges in the t-channel, the baryonic exchanges in the s- and u-channel are taken into account as well. We calculate the differential cross-section and beam asymmetry on proton and neutron targets for the reaction γ+N—>N*(1440)+ω. All calculations are performed at Eγ,= 2.5 GeV. The recent study [1] on the associative photoproduction o f Roper resonance with vector mesons, γ+N —>N*(1440)+V, in the near threshold region indicates the importance of the pseudoscalar (π) exchange for t-channel in associative ω-meson photoproduction but it does not give a clear information about the relative role of different possible threshold mechanisms on the production o f N*(1440). Therefore, in additon to standart G- and δ-exchanges in the t-channel, we consider the baryonic resonances in the s- and u-channel . For t-channel, the pseudoscalar (π) and scalar exchanges ( δ ), Fig. 1(a), are considered The pseudoscalar exchange amplitude can be obtained from the Lagrangian,....Item Automated radiation monitoring and early warning systems network (Resa)(Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, 2000-10) Küçükarslan, Necati; Erdoğan, Adem; Güven, Ahmet; TAEK-ÇNAEM