Enhanced Alpha Decay Half-Life Determination in Super-Heavy Nuclei Using a New Potential
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Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu (TENMAK)
This paper systematically investigates alpha decay half-lives in the superheavy
nuclei region (104 ⩽ Z ⩽ 118), focusing on ground-state to groundstate
transitions. It aims to enhance the accuracy of alpha decay half-life calculations
by introducing a modi ed nuclear potential that includes surface
deformation. Advanced techniques such as Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization
conditions and Langer modi cations are used to develop an e ective potential
for the interaction between the daughter nucleus and the alpha particle.
The Woods-Saxon potential, modi ed with a Gaussian term to account for
surface deformation, is employed in numerical calculations of alpha decay
half-lives. These calculated half-lives are compared with experimental data
and the previous studies, showing signi cantly improved agreement. The
modi ed potential o ers greater precision in modeling the alpha decay process,
particularly for even-even super-heavy nuclei. This research introduces
a novel approach to alpha decay studies, enhancing accuracy and applicability.
The modi ed nuclear potential with surface deformation proves to be a
valuable tool in nuclear physics, providing more reliable alpha decay half-life
estimates. The implications of this work extend to the creation of new super-
heavy nuclei and astrophysical processes. Further research can build upon
these ndings to explore a broader range of nuclear systems and advance our
understanding of nuclear physics.
Alpha Decay, Deformation, Half-Life, WKB method, Woods-Saxon