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Item Patient doses from CT examinations in Turkey(Turkish Society of Radiology, 2015) Ataç, Gökçe Kaan; Parmaksız, Aydın; İnal, Tolga; Bulur, Emine; Bulgurlu, Figen; Öncü, Tolga; Gündoğdu, Sadi; 59391; 0000-0002-4145-8275; TAEK-SANAEMPURPOSE We aimed to establish the first diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for computed tomography (CT) examinations in adult and pediatric patients in Turkey and compare these with international DRLs. METHODS CT performance information and examination parameters (for head, chest, high-resolution CT of the chest [HRCT-chest], abdominal, and pelvic protocols) from 1607 hospitals were collected via a survey. Dose length products and effective doses for standard patient sizes were calculated from the reported volume CT dose index (CTDIvol). RESULTS The median number of protocols reported from the 167 responding hospitals (10% response rate) was 102 across five different age groups. Third quartile CTDIvol values for adult pelvic and all pediatric body protocols were higher than the European Commission standards but were comparable to studies conducted in other countries. CONCLUSION The radiation dose indicators for adult patients were similar to those reported in the literature, except for those associated with head protocols. CT protocol optimization is necessary for adult head and pediatric chest, HRCT-chest, abdominal, and pelvic protocols. The findings from this study are recommended for use as national DRLs in TurkeyItem Color and ink characterization of the Ottoman diplomatics dating from the 13th to the 20th century(De Gruyter, 2018-11) Kantoğlu, Ömer; Ergun, Ece; Kırmaz, Rıdvan; Kalaycı, Yakup; Zararsız, Abdullah; Bayır, Önder; 0000-0002-0403-5425; TAEK-SANAEMThis study investigates the colors and inks used in the diplomatics of the Ottoman Empire dating from the 13th to 20th century. Elemental and spectroscopic analyses were carried out on more than 150 diplomatics using the µ-XRF, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies, but 10 of them were chosen representative for each century. In addition to the characterization of color and ink, the common or rare use of different colors and inks through ages is discussed. The results of the analysis of the Ottoman diplomatics revealed that minium, vermilion, red ochre and cochineal comprised the red color; lapis lazuli (ultramarine blue), azurite (blue verditer), Prussian blue and smalt were used as the blue color; malachite and green earth provided the green color; massicot was used as the yellow color; yellow lead constituted the orange color; and basic lead carbonate and zinc oxide were the source of the white color have been determined in the diplomatics of the Ottoman Empire. All the illuminations were ornamented with gold to demonstrate the power of Empire and also Emperor. The text script of the diplomatics were written in black, red and gold inks using iron gall- and carbon-based black ink (carbon black/soot), cochineal (red ink) and gold.Item Environmental impact assessment due to natural radioactivity and heavy metals in drinking water around Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Mersin province(TÜBİTAK, 2018) Karahan, Gürsel; Taşkin, Halim; Bingöldağ, Nesli; Kapdan, Enis; Yilmaz, Yusuf Ziya; TAEK-ÇNAEMThe aim of this study is to determine natural radioactive and heavy element concentrations in Mersin drinking waters before commissioning of Akkuyu nuclear power plant and to collect data that will be reference for possible environmental contaminations in the future. Therefore, this study comprise whole of the province. Drinking water samples were taken from provincial center, districts and populated villages. Water samples were analysed to determine radioactivity and heavy metals concentrations. The annual effective dose equivalent taken from natural radioactive substances and cancer risks were calculated for each people living in the city. In addition, Hazar Index (HI) and cancer risk were calculated, which were caused by heavy elements. The mean gross alpha and beta radioactivity concentrations in drinking water were measured 0.059±0.051 Bq/L and 0.120±0.095 Bq/L, respectively. The annual cumulative effective dose for people was found as 30.83 μSv and the average estimated excess cancer risk related this exposure was calculated as 16.9×10-5. Also, mean metal concentration of Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Ba and Cd in drinking water were determined as 1.33, 4.65, 54.8, 11.1, 26.3, 0.36 μg/L, respectively. Pb and As in all water samples were determined lower than detection limits (LDL). The hazard quotient (HQ) of heavy metals was decreased in the order of Cd > Cr > Cu > Ni > Zn > Ba in water. Mean calculated Hazard Index (HI) depending heavy metal concentration is found to be 6.8×10-1 for drinking water. Cancer risks of heavy metals are decreased in the order of Cd > Cr > Ni for the region.Item Coğrafi orijin belirlemede kararlı izotopik ve elemental analiz yöntemlerinin kullanılması(Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, 2018) Aylangan, Ayça; Oktar, Okan; Mert, Yüksel; Çantay, Eren; Ergun, Ece; İç, Erhan; Tahmaz, Hande; Söylemezoğlu, Gökhan; TAEK-SANAEMSon yıllarda, gıda gerçekliğinin ve orijininin kontrol edilmesinin önemi genişleyen küresel pazarlara bağlı olarak artış göstermektedir. Bu küreselleşme ile tüketim mallarının kalite, gerçeklik ve orijininin belirlenmesi için gıda sektöründe daha gelişmiş izleme sistemlerine ihtiyaç doğmuştur. Ülkemizde son yıllarda giderek yaygınlaşan şaraplık üzüm yetiştiriciliğinin artması ve bunlardan elde edilen şarabın orijin kontrolünün yapılması gelişen ticaret hacmi için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Önemli şarap üreticisi Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin yıllardır benimsediği "Kökeni Kontrollü İsimlendirme Sistemi" henüz Türkiye de yeterince uygulanmamakta, bu olumsuzluk ise Türk şaraplarının iç ve dış piyasalarda kalite şarapları ve coğrafi işarete sahip sofra şarapları karşısında rekabet gücünü zayıflatmaktadır. Gıda izlenebilirliği ve gerçekliğinin önem kazandığı Dünya’da ülkemiz açısında potansiyel üretim hacmine sahip şarabın dış rekabete hazır hale gelebilmesi için "Kökeni Kontrollü İsimlendirme Sistemi”ne geçilmesi gerekmektedir. Kararlı izotop ve elemental analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak belirli bölgelerden elde edilen şaraplarda gıda izlenebilirliğinin önemli bir parçasını teşkil eden orijin belirlenmesi yapılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, nükleer analitik teknikler ile belirlenen kararlı izotop analizlerinin şarap örneklerinde uygulanabilirliği ile ilgili örnekler verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Item Unintentional irradiation of conceptus by diagnostic imaging examinations in Turkey(Oxford University Press, 2014-12) Parmaksız, Aydın; Ataç, G. K.; Bulgurlu, Figen; Bulur, Emine; Öncü, Tolga; İnal, T.; AAH-5187-2020; 0000-0003-4000-5175; TAEK-SANAEMExposure of the fetus with medical radiation sources during the diagnostic procedures without intention is one of the most significant concerns in the medical community. In this study, 45 conventional x-ray and computed tomography examinations of the women who were unaware of their pregnancies were investigated. Effective doses and fetal doses were calculated for each application by using PCXMC and ImPACT CT scan software. The exposure of abdominal CT and abdominal conventional x-ray examinations were found to be over the literature for both the range and the average values. Some risks so-called childhood cancer induction, hereditary effects, decline in IQ and severe mental retardation were calculated for the range of each protocol. It was found that accidental exposure to the fetus in abdominal x-ray examinations, even without targeting the uterus, might increase the likelihood of childhood cancer development and severe mental retardation up to ̴ 3-4 times and ̴ 2-3 times respectively.Item Comprehensive data concerning cosmic radiation doses at ground level and in-flights for Turkey(Oxford University Press, 2016-12) Parmaksız, Aydın; AAH-5187-2020; 0000-0003-4000-5175Cosmic radiation doses of individuals living in 81 cities in Turkey were estimated by using CARI-6 software. Annual cosmic radiation doses of individuals were found to be between 308 and 736 µSv y−1 at ground level. The population-weighted annual effective dose from cosmic radiation was determined to be 387 µSv y−1 for Turkey. Cosmic radiation doses on-board for 137 (60 domestic and 77 international) flights varied from 1.2 to 83 µSv. It was estimated that six or over long-route round-trip air travels may cause cosmic radiation dose above the permissible limit for member of the public, i.e. 1 mSv y−1. According to the assumption of flights throughout 800 h on each route, cosmic radiation doses were found to be between 1.0 and 4.8 mSv for aircrew.Item Measurement of enhanced radium isotopes in oil production wastes in Turkey(Elsevier, 2015-03) Parmaksız, Aydın; Ağuş, Yusuf; Bulgurlu, Figen; Bulur, Emine; Öncü, Tolga; Özkök, Yücel Özer; AAH-5187-2020; /0000-0003-4000-5175; TAEK-SANAEMGamma dose rates of oil production equipment and wastes were measured externally by survey meter. They were found to be between 0.2 μSv h−1 and 25.7 μSv h−1. Activity concentrations of radium isotopes in crude oil, scale, sludge, contaminated soil and water samples were determined by gamma spectrometric method. Activity concentrations of 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra in samples varied from MDA to 132,000 Bq kg−1. Radium isotopes enriched up to 14,667 times in scale samples. The highest value of 226Ra was found to be 35,122 ± 1,983 Bq kg−1 for sludge samples. Activity concentrations of a considerable number of samples were found to be higher than the exemption level recommended by IAEA. Measurement results revealed that oil production wastes caused soil contamination up to 70,483 Bq kg−1. They may pose a radiological risk for workers and members of the public.Item Activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs radionuclides in Turkish medicinal herbs, their ingestion doses and cancer risks(Taylor and Francis, 2014-11) Parmaksız, Aydın; Ağuş, Yusuf; AAH-5187-2020; 0000-0003-4000-5175; TAEK-SANAEMTwenty-two medicinal herb samples, each representing a distinct species, were collected from Turkish markets and measured by the gamma spectrometric method. The activity concentration of 226Ra in medicinal herbs was found in the range of minimum detectable activity (MDA) and 15.1 ± 2.2 Bqkg−1. The activity concentration of 232Th ranged from MDA values to 3.5 ± 0.8 Bqkg−1. The activity concentration of 40K varied between 50.0 ± 16.8 and 1311.5 ± 57.3 Bqkg−1. All 137Cs activity concentrations of medicinal herbs were found to have lower than MDA values. The bone surface dose, lower large intestine and colon doses were found to be 182.9, 18.8 and 18.7 µSvy−1, respectively. The highest committed effective dose originated from the annual ingestion of 1 kg medicinal herb was calculated notably low as 9.0 µSv. The cancer risk of ingestion of medicinal herbs was found to be small enough to be neglected. The selected Turkish medicinal herbs are considered safe for human consumption.Item Measurement of naturally occurring radionuclides in geothermal samples and assessment of radiological risks and radiation doses(Oxford University Press, 2013-12) Parmaksız, Aydın; AAH-5187-2020; 0000-0003-4000-5175; TAEK-SANAEMTotal of 26 geothermal water and their residues collected from six well in the geothermal power plant territory were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry. Apart from two geothermal water samples, all geothermal water samples were found below the minimum detectable activity (MDA) values. 226Ra activity concentrations in residue samples were measured from 40±4 Bq kg-1 to 2694±85 Bq kg-1. 232Th activity concentration of residue samples are varying from 33±4 Bq kg-1 to 2388±85 Bq kg-1. 40K activity concentrations of residue samples are ranged between MDA to 967±30 Bq kg-1. The radium equivalent activities of samples are varied from 91±8 Bq kg-1 to 6161±46 Bq kg-1. The annual effective doses of residues were calculated lower than permitted dose rate for public, i.e. 1 mSv y-1. However it was found that if parameter values are changed additional annual effective doses can rise over the reference level of 1 mSv.Item Activity concentrations of 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K radionuclides in refinery products and the additional radiation dose originated from oil residues in Turkey(Oxford University Press, 2013-10) Parmaksız, Aydın; Ağuş, Yusuf; Bulgurlu, Figen; Bulur, Emine; Yıldız, Çiğdem; Öncü, Tolga; AAH-5187-2020; 0000-0003-4000-5175; TAEK-SANAEMTotal of 56 crude oil, refinery product, waste water, sludge and scale samples collected from three refineries were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry. Except for nine samples, all refinery products samples were found below the minimum detectable activity (MDA) values. 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K activity concentrations in crude oil and refinery product samples were measured from MDA values to 11.7±4.5, 14.9±3.5, 11.6±4.5, 248.5±18.5 Bqkg-1 respectively. 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K activity concentrations in scale, sludge and water samples were measured from MDA values to 343.7±11.8, 809.2±29.0, 302.5±21.6, 623.0±80.9 Bqkg-1 respectively. Radium equivalent activities of residue samples were calculated up to 1241.8±42.4 Bq/kg. Maximum activity concentration index and alpha index were found 4.2 and 4.0 respectively. The annual effective doses of four residue samples were calculated equal or above permitted dose rate for public, i.e. 1mSv/y.Item Field comparison of soil moisture sensing using neutron thermalization, frequency domain, tensiometer, and granular matrix sensor devices: relevance to precision irrigation(Scientific Research, 2016) Shock, Clinton C.; Pereira, André B.; Feibert, Erik B. G.; Shock, Cedric A.; Akın, Ali İbrahim; Ünlenen, Levent Abdullah; TAEK-SANAEMThe efficient use of irrigation water requires several kinds of information. One element of efficient irrigation scheduling is monitoring the soil moisture to assure that the crop irrigation goals are being met. Various soil moisture sensing devices were tested for irrigation scheduling in silt loam at the Malheur Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University between 2001 and 2004. Neutron probes, frequency domain probes, tensiometers, granular matrix sensors, and Irrigas were compared as to their performance under field conditions at Ontario, Oregon, USA. Granular matrix sensors were tested as read automatically by a datalogger and read manually with a handheld meter. Practical suggestions are provided to use soil moisture sensors to the benefit of crop production and water conservation.Item Patates’te hassas damla sulama programlarının yapılmasında toprak nem sensörlerinin kullanılması(Toprak Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2017-09) Akın, Ali İbrahim; Ünlenen, Levent Abdullah; TAEK-SANAEMSulama suyunun etkin bir şekilde kullanılması farklı bilgileri gerektirmektedir. Etkin bir sulama programının yapılmasında toprağın su durumunun izlenmesi bitki sulamasında hedeflerimize ulaşmayı sağlar. Çalışmada farklı toprak nem ölçüm cihazları, siltli tınlı toprakta, hassas sulama programı yapılmasında test edilmişlerdir. Nötron problar, frekans domain problar, tansiyometreler ve granüler matrix sensörler birbirleriyle mukayese edilmiştir. Granüler matrix sensörlerin okunması, otomatik olarak datatoplayıcılar ve manuel olarak elde taşınır okuyucu ile yapılmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda toprak nem sensörlerinin bitki yetiştirme ve toprak suyu muhafazasında kullanılması faydalı bulunmuş ve tavsiye edilmektedir.Item Determination of optimal mutagen dosage and its effects on morpho-agronomic traits in putative mutants of ‘Amasya’ apple(Serbian Genetics Society, 2019-08) Atay, A. Nilgün; Atay, Ersin; Kunter, Burak; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Kaplan, Nejdet; 0000-0002-7557-360X; TAEK-SANAEMMutation breeding is one of the efficient ways to create new genotypes. The starting material of this study was the ‘Amasya’, a Turkish apple cultivar. This study aimed to identify optimal mutagen dosage that is the most important prerequisite to create a proper mutant population, and evaluate the genetic variability for morpho-agronomic traits (e.g. tree height and fruit number) in the putative apple mutants of ‘Amasya’ irradiated at the optimal mutagen dosage. In the first year of the study, to determine the optimal mutagen dosage, dormant ‘Amasya’ scion woods were irradiated at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 gray dosages using 60Co source. The optimal mutagen dosage was determined as 29.01 gray for ‘Amasya’ concerning the 50% shoot length reduction in comparison to the non-irradiated control plants. In the following year, more or less 2000 dormant ‘Amasya’ scion woods were irradiated at the optimal mutagen dosage to generate a mutant population of ‘Amasya’ apple cultivar. Mutation frequency based on the visual observations of plant abnormalities was observed. Then three years, genetic uniformity was analyzed through the growth of the mutant population, and mutation frequency (%) determined. These results indicated that there was considerable genetic variability in response to irradiation for evaluated traits. Most of the plants in the putative mutant population, nearly 80%, had a significantly shorter tree height and trunk cross-sectional area than standard ‘Amasya’. The mutants/genotypes identified in this study could be used improvement of new promising apple cultivars with good agronomical traits.Item A portable fast neutron radiography system for nondestructive analysis(SCİENDO, 2019) Kam, Erol; Reyhancan, İskender Atilla; Bıyık, Recep; 0000-0001-7929-4395; TAEK-ÇNAEMDepending on the neutron energy used, neutron radiography can be generally categorized as fast and thermal neutron radiography. Fast Neutron Radiography (FNR) with neutron energy more than 1 MeV opens up a new range of possibilities for a nondestructive inspection when the inspected object is thick or dense. Other traditional techniques, such as X-ray, gamma ray and thermal neutron radiography do not meet FNRs penetration capabilities in this area. Because of these distinctive features, this technique used in different industrial applications such as security (cargo investigation for contraband such as narcotics, explosives and illicit drugs ), gas/liquid flow and mixing, radiography and tomography of encapsulated heavy shielded low Z compound materials. The FNR images are produced directly during exposure; the neutrons create recoil protons, the protons activate a scintillator screen, the images can be collected with a computer controlled charge –coupled device (CCD) camera and finally the picture can be saved on a computer for the image processing. The aim of this research is to set up a portable fast neutron radiography (FNR) system and to test it for use in nondestructive testing of different composite materials. Experiments were carried out by using fast portative neutron generator Thermo Fischer MP320.Item Determination of effect of chemical mutagen ems on TAEK A-3 and TAEK C-10 mutant soybean varieties in M1 generation(BİSAB, 2017) Sağel, Zafer; Tutluer, İhsan; Peşkircioğlu, Hayrettin; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Kunter, Burak; TAEK-SANAEMIonizing radiation, chemical mutagens are also used in crop improvement and Ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS) is one of the most widely used chemical mutagens in the field of plant breeding. This research work was carried out to determine the effects of chemical mutagen (EMS) on seedling height. TAEK A-3 and TAEK C-10 soybean varieties were used as the test plants and effect of pre-soaking time determined. In greenhouse field experiments five different EMS doses (0 –control-, 0.025, 0.050, 0.075 and 1.0 M) and in greenhouse 3 pre-soaking time (0, 6 and 18 hours), in the field 2 different pre-soaking time (0 and 6 hours) were applied. After chemical mutagen application in the greenhouse germination percentage and seedling height base EMS dose and pre-soaking time effect had been determined. Effects of EMS in M1 germination of soybean for different characteristics (no. of plants, plant height, no of pods and seed yield) were determined under field conditions. As a result it can be said that in both soybean varieties, seedling height was reduced as the EMS concentration increased. But there was no distinct influence of pre-soaking time on seedling height in both soybean varieties. In both soybean varieties the average percentage of germination increased with increasing pre-soaking time. Based on results obtained in field experiment, it was concluded that by 6 hours pre-soaking the harmful physiological effect of EMS could be decreased.Item Effect of particle size on TL dosimetric properties of household salt(Elsevier, 2017-07) Yüce, Ülkü Rabia; Engin, Birol; TAEK-SANAEMThis work investigates the effect of particle size in the thermoluminescence (TL) response of household salt that classified into five size fractions between 63 and 250 µm. Irradiation induced two TL peaks at 110°C and 240°C for each particle size fraction. Besides these peaks, two additional glow peaks were also observed at 80°C and 300°C for small particle size fractions < 90µm. The complexity of the glow curve pattern increased with decreasing particle size (<125 µm). The intensity of the dosimetric TL peak at 240°C increases with increasing particle size. The maximum beta radiation sensitivity of salt samples was obtained for the particle sizes of 125-180 µm and 180-250 µm. For different particle sizes, the stability of dosimetric TL peak at room temperature was studied over a storage period of 30 days.The kinetic parameters of dosimetric TL peak were determined at different particle sizes using the initial rise (IR), peak shape (PS) and variable heating rate (VHR) methods and the results are discussed in detail. Moreover, the variations of the glow peaks depending on the heating rate were also studied.Item Determination of effective mutagen dose for lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia cv. cervantes) seeds(CES Science Group, 2017) Sarıçam, Şule; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, Ş. Şebnem; 176647; TAEK-SANAEMIn plant breeding strategies induced mutagenesis has become an effective way of supplementing the existing germplasm and improving new varieties. Mutation can be induced by chemical and physical mutagens or by combination. The commercial importance and production of lettuce, which is the most popular of the local salad crops, is increasing in Turkey. Lettuce is an important vegetable commodity and in demand by the local markets throughout the year. This study was carried out to get database for mutation breeding studies on lettuce cv. Cervantes. For this aim, 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 Gray (Gy) doses of Co60 (gamma-rays) were treated on lettuce seeds as a physical mutagen. 30 seeds were used for each dose. Thirty days after treatment, germination and shoot developing of cloves were determined. The Effective Mutagen Dose (EMD50) calculated by linear regression analyses. According to results, 372.66 Gy dose was found as EMD50.Item Tissue culture applications inlettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)(CES Science Group, 2017) Sarıçam, Şule; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Ellialtıoğlu, Ş. Şebnem; 176647; TAEK-SANAEMLettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a major fresh leafy vegetable and belongs to the Asteraceae family (Compositae). The focus of modern lettuce breeding objectives is to improve horticultural characteristics such as quality, resistance to early bolting and breeding for resistance to pests and diseases. These characteristics may be improved using biotechnology and gene transfer strategies. Tissue culture methods have proved successful in rescuing selected lettuce genotypes and producing seeds in a disease-free environment. And also overcome the limitations of in vivo techniques by shortening period of breeding programmes. The genetic engineering of lettuce requires a reliable and efficient tissue culture methods. Among these methods haploidization is of great interest for producing pure lines. Shoot organogenesis may aid the use of genetic engineering to improve important characteristics of lettuce. Embryo rescue is an important application for transfering the resistance to downy mildew, LMV, and beet western yellows virus from L. virosa and L. saligna into cultivated lettuce. Somatic hybridization via protoplast fusion has also been used to gain access to exotic, sexually incompatible germplasm. Propagation from axillary and apical buds of lettuce plants can also be routinely carried out. If propagation through tissue culture can be done efficiently on a large scale, it may be used to produce F1 hybrid plants and fix the hybrid vigour. Somaclonal variation provides another source of genetic variability. Regeneration via Somatic embryogenesis has advantages for lettuces.Item Determination of effective mutagen dose for carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens alef and D. carota) callus cultures(Academic Hosting & Event Management Solutions, 2019) Büyükdinç, Damla Turan; Kantoğlu, K. Yaprak; Karataş, Arzu; İpek, Ahmet; Ellialtıoğlu, Ş. Şebnem; 46500; TAEK-SANAEMMutation breeding is used for plant variety, to obtain high yield, earliness, resistance to pest and diseases and also to abiotic stress conditions. Gamma radiation application in physical mutagen applications has advantages on the ease of use, the high permeability and the ability to reach the target cells and the nontoxic and harmful effects. It expanses the present variation by creating a mutation with physical mutagenesis via Co60 irradiation applied to in vitro donor plant tissues, and provides selection of variations at the cellular level in desired properties. Carrot is an important vegetable crops and in demand by the local markets throughout the year. This study was carried out to obtain a database and to determine the Effective Mutagen Dose (EMD50) in the course of mutation breeding studies on purple and orange carrots. For this aim, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gray (Gy) doses of Co60 (gamma-rays) were applied to carrots calli as a physical mutagen of 30 callus pieces (each 1 g) per dose. 4-5 weeks after irradiation, shoot development of callus were determined and EMD50 calculated by linear regression analyses. As a result of the research, it was determined that 8,36 Gy was an effective mutation dose for purple carrot and 23,605 Gy for orange carrots due to the regression analyses.Item Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of (E)-methyl 2-((2-oxonaphthalen-1(2H)-ylidene)methylamino)acetate as a biological agent and an anion sensor(Elsevier, 2016) Zeyrek, C. Tuğrul; Boyacıoğlu, Bahadır; Yıldız, Mustafa; Ünver, Hüseyin; Yolal, Devrim; Demir, Neslihan; Elmalı, Ayhan; Aslan, Kadir; 0000-0001-6744-7841; TAEK-ANAEMAn amino acid derived and bidentate Schiff base, (E)-methyl 2-((2-oxonaphthalen-1(2H)-ylidene)methylamino)acetate (ligand), was synthesized from the reaction of glycine-methyl ester hydrochloride with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde. Characterization of the ligand was carried out using theoretical quantum-mechanical calculations and experimental spectroscopic methods. The molecular structure of the compound was confirmed using X-ray single-crystal data, NMR, FTIR and UV-Visible spectroscopy, which were in good agreement with the structure predicted by the theoretical calculations using density functional theory (DFT). Antimicrobial activity of the ligand was investigated for its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to several bacteria and yeast cultures. UV-visible spectroscopy studies also shown that the ligand can bind calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) electrostatic binding. In addition, DNA cleavage study showed that the ligand cleaved DNA without the need for external agents. Energetically most favorable docked structures were obtained from the rigid molecular docking of the compound with DNA. The compound binds at the active site of the DNA proteins by weak non-covalent interactions. The colorimetric response of the ligand in DMSO to the addition of equivalent amount of anions (F-, Br-, I-, CN-, SCN-, ClO4-, HSO4-, AcO-, H2PO4-, N3- and OH-) was investigated and the ligand was shown to be sensitive to CN- anion.
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